[UBUNTU-ART] Why not an IRC channel?

Ricky Harris rickyharris at gmail.com
Mon Jul 18 02:44:37 CDT 2005

On 7/17/05, volvoguy <volvoguy at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 7/17/05, Ricky Harris <rickyharris at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hey guys. Just a thought, but how about an IRC channel to help
> > collaborate on art projects? how about something like #ubuntu-art on
> > freenode (where #ubuntu is already located) ?
> Andrew down in Australia (who only cooks prawns, lamb or snags on the
> barbie), mentioned that he often hangs out here:
> "I hang out on #ubuntu-artwork  on freenode."
> Sounds like as good a place as any! I was just trying to figure out
> local time code to UTC conversions to figure out a good time for a
> meeting. I'd like to have as many of us there as possible, so I'm
> going to start another thread (man I love Gmail) to discuss that.
> Hopefully we can get Jane, Mako, Mark or Jeff from Canonical to pop in
> there too and keep us in line. :o)
> I'm going to do my best to "hang out" on the above mentioned channel
> myself whenever possible. What's the best software for that (for a
> person not very familiar with IRC) - XChat?
I use, and have used xchat for many years. I consider it the best
graphical client out there. I'll do my best to hang out in
#ubuntu-artwork as well. that's on irc.linux.org for any one else who
wants to join :)

> > I'm not _great_ with graphics. I'm pretty good with photography - mine
> > can be seen at: http://kickmetwice.com/gallery/c0al  (the "favorites..
> > random" album is where my "artsy" stuff is.)
> >
> > Any how. having said that i'm not good with graphics - any one can
> > feel free to use any of my photography for any ubuntu-related reason.
> > Also, i hereby volunteer for any jobs that no one else wants. haha.
> > =-)
> Alright! Ricky is helping with icons too! :o) I'm a photography buff
> too - with some really crappy cameras at my disposal. We'll probably
> utilize some photography, but right now the only place I KNOW we'll
> need them is for the six monthly calendar background images that we
> need to provide for Breezy. I'd personally like to see Ubuntu's first
> official SVG monthly background image in Breezy, but we'll have to see
> how that works out.
I'd be glad to help with icons  -  Just let me know what you need! 
i really need to get some of my more recent photography up on that
link above - all of the photos in the "favorites" album are around a
year or so old.

> --
> Aaron
> Ubuntu SVG Artwork - www.volvoguy.net/ubuntu
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Art, like morality, consists of drawing the line somewhere. ~ G.K. Chesterton
> --
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> ubuntu-art at lists.ubuntu.com
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