[Merge] lp:~cyphermox/ubuntu-archive-tools/what-next into lp:ubuntu-archive-tools

Colin Watson cjwatson at canonical.com
Wed Feb 21 22:24:26 UTC 2018

This review is totally drive-by stuff and I haven't spent any time thinking about the algorithms involved.  General remarks:

 * Could we have four-space indents, please, and wrapped at 79 columns or less, like most of the rest of u-a-t?
 * Why migrate *from* requests *to* urllib?  Generally speaking requests is a lot better and worth using, despite the non-stdlib dependency; in particular it's much easier to do HTTPS correctly using requests.

Diff comments:

> === added file 'what_next.py'
> --- what_next.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
> +++ what_next.py	2018-02-21 21:45:37 +0000
> @@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/python3
> +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> +
> +# Copyright (C) 2018  Canonical Ltd.
> +# Author: Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <cyphermox at ubuntu.com>
> +
> +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
> +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> +# the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License.
> +#
> +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> +# GNU General Public License for more details.
> +#
> +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> +# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
> +
> +"""Analyze britney's excuses output and suggest a course of action for
> +proposed migration.
> +"""
> +
> +# FIXME: Refactor this majorly
> +#
> +# FIXME: Various parts of slangasek's pseudocode (in comments where relevant)
> +#        are not well implemented.
> +#
> +# TODO: finish moving things from requests to urllib; no sense in using two
> +#       different modules for URL retrieval.
> +
> +import yaml
> +import sys
> +import os
> +import time
> +import subprocess
> +import argparse
> +import requests
> +import tempfile
> +
> +from enum import Enum
> +
> +from urllib.request import FancyURLopener
> +
> +from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad
> +
> +MAX_CACHE_AGE = 14400   # excuses cache should not be older than 4 hours
> +
> +lp_cachedir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~", ".launchpadlib/cache"))
> +lp = Launchpad.login_anonymously('what-next', 'production', lp_cachedir, version='devel')
> +
> +ubuntu = lp.distributions["ubuntu"]
> +archive = ubuntu.main_archive
> +series = ubuntu.current_series
> +
> +excuses = {}
> +
> +level = 0
> +seen = []
> +
> +class Message(Enum):
> +
> +  NONE = 1
> +  PASS = 2
> +  FAIL = 3
> +  INFO = 4
> +
> +  @staticmethod
> +  def lprint(level, state, text, **kwargs):

I kind of feel like this could be refactored to make use of the logging module, perhaps with a custom handler or filter or LogRecord subclass or something.

> +    if state is Message.NONE:
> +      state = 'î’ž'
> +    elif state is Message.PASS:
> +      state = "\033[92m✔\033[0m"
> +    elif state is Message.FAIL:
> +      state = "\033[91m✘\033[0m"
> +    elif state is Message.INFO:
> +      state = "\033[94m\033[0m"
> +
> +    if level == 0:
> +      msg = "{} {}".format(state,
> +                           text)
> +    else:
> +      msg = "{} {} {}".format(" " * level,
> +                              state,
> +                              text)
> +    print(msg, **kwargs)
> +
> +
> +def report_download(blocks_read, block_size, total_size):
> +    size_read = blocks_read * block_size
> +    percent = size_read/total_size*100
> +    print("%.0f %%" % (percent), end='\r')
> +
> +def get_debian_ci_results(source, arch):
> +  try:
> +    url = "https://ci.debian.net/data/packages/unstable/{}/{}/latest.json"
> +    results_url = url.format("amd64", get_pkg_archive_path(source))
> +    resp = requests.get(url=results_url)
> +    return resp.json()
> +  except:

Bare `except:` is almost always wrong: it catches KeyboardInterrupt etc. and makes users cry.  This should be `except Exception:` throughout.

> +    return None
> +
> +def find_excuses(src):
> +  for item in excuses['sources']:
> +    item_name = item.get('item-name')
> +    if item_name == src:
> +      process(item)
> +
> +def get_pkg_archive_path(package):
> +  try:
> +    path = subprocess.check_output("apt-cache show %s | grep Filename:" % package, shell=True)

Use universal_newlines=True and then you'll get text back and not have to manually decode it / treat it as bytes / etc.  Same below.

It would be nice to refactor to avoid shell=True, especially since you haven't done proper quoting here.

> +    path = path.decode('utf-8')
> +    path = path.split(' ')[1].split('/')
> +    path = "/".join(path[2:4])
> +    return path
> +  except:
> +    return None
> +
> +def get_source_package(binary):
> +  source = None
> +  try:
> +    source = subprocess.check_output("apt-cache show %s | grep Source:" % binary, shell=True)
> +  except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
> +    source = subprocess.check_output("apt-cache show %s | grep Package:" % binary, shell=True)
> +
> +  if source is not None:
> +    if source.startswith(b"Source:") or source.startswith(b"Package:"):
> +      name = source.decode('utf-8').split()[1]
> +      return name
> +
> +  return None
> +
> +def package_exists_in_distro(package, distro='ubuntu', proposed=False):
> +
> +  distroseries = series.name
> +  if distro == 'debian':
> +    distroseries = DEBIAN_CURRENT_SERIES
> +  if proposed:
> +    distroseries += "-proposed"
> +
> +  url = "https://qa.debian.org/cgi-bin/madison.cgi?package={}&table={}&a=&c=&s={}".format(package, distro, distroseries)
> +  resp = requests.get(url=url)
> +
> +  for line in resp.text.split('\n'):
> +    if not line.startswith(" {}".format(package)):
> +      continue
> +    if distroseries in line:

This seems likely to have false positives where the series name happens to be a substring of a package name.

> +      return True
> +  return False
> +
> +def lp_build_results(source_name, arch):
> +  global level

This global is nasty; I'd be quite strongly inclined to make it be an argument to all the relevant functions.

> +  # TODO: Process missing builds; suggest options
> +  #
> +  #  - missing build on $arch / has no binaries on any arch
> +  #    - is this an architecture-specific build failure?
> +  #    - has Debian removed the binaries for this architecture?
> +  #    - ask AA to remove the binaries as ANAIS
> +  #  - else
> +  #    - try to fix
> +  #
> +  #  - is this a build failure on all archs?
> +  #    - are there bugs filed about this failure in Debian?
> +  #      - is the package in sync with Debian and does the package require sourceful changes to fix?
> +  #        - remove from -proposed
> +  #
> +  #  - does the package fail to build in Debian?
> +  #    - file a bug in Debian
> +  #    - is the package in sync with Debian and does the package require sourceful changes to fix?
> +  #      - remove from -proposed
> +  #
> +  #  - is this a dep-wait?
> +  #    - does this package have this build-dependency in Debian?
> +  #      - is this an architecture-specific dep-wait?
> +  #        - has Debian removed the binaries for this architecture?
> +  #          - ask AA to remove the binaries as ANAIS
> +  #        - else
> +  #          - try to fix
> +  #      - does this binary package exist in Debian?
> +  #        - look what source package provides this binary package in Debian
> +  #        - is this source package ftbfs or dep-wait in -proposed?
> +  #          - recurse
> +  #        - else
> +  #          - is this source package on the sync blacklist?
> +  #            - file a bug with the Ubuntu package
> +  #          - else
> +  #            - fix by syncing or merging the source
> +  #      - else
> +  #        - make sure a bug is filed in Debian about the issue
> +  #        - was the depended-on package removed from Debian, and is this a sync?
> +  #          - ask AA to remove the package from -proposed
> +  #        - else
> +  #          - leave the package in -proposed
> +
> +  level += 1
> +
> +  release = "bionic"
> +
> +  spph = archive.getPublishedSources(exact_match=True, source_name=source_name, distro_series=series, pocket="Proposed", order_by_date=True)[0]
> +  builds = spph.getBuilds()
> +
> +  any_failure = False
> +  for build in builds:
> +    if arch is None or (arch == build.arch_tag):

I wouldn't bother with these parentheses.

> +      Message.lprint(level, Message.FAIL, "{} is missing a build on {}:".format(source_name, build.arch_tag))
> +      Message.lprint(level+1, Message.NONE, "[%s] %s" % (build.buildstate, build.build_log_url))
> +      if not "Successfully" in build.buildstate:

The usual idiom is `if "Successfully" not in build.buildstate:`.

> +        failed = True
> +        any_failure = failed if any_failure is False else True

Aren't these two lines a long way to write `any_failure = True`?

> +
> +  level -= 1
> +
> +  return any_failure
> +
> +def process_unsatisfiable_depends(source):
> +  global level
> +
> +  affected_sources = []
> +
> +  level += 1
> +
> +  unsatisfiable = []
> +  for excuse in source.get('excuses'):
> +    if 'unsatisfiable' in excuse:
> +      eline = excuse.split(' ')[2:]
> +      unsatisfiable.append(eline)
> +      try:
> +        pkg = get_source_package(eline[1])
> +        if pkg not in affected_sources:
> +          affected_sources.append(pkg)
> +      except:
> +        try:
> +          if package_exists_in_distro(eline[1], distro='ubuntu'):
> +            affected_sources.append(eline[1])
> +        except:
> +          if package_exists_in_distro(eline[1], distro='ubuntu', proposed=True):
> +            affected_sources.append(eline[1])
> +
> +  if len(affected_sources) < 1 and len(unsatisfiable) < 1:
> +    level -= 1
> +    return
> +
> +  Message.lprint(level, Message.NONE, "Fix unsatisfiable dependencies in {}:".format(source.get('source')))
> +
> +  # TODO: Check for component-mismatches.
> +  # - is the unsatisfied dependency due to a component mismatch?
> +  #  http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg
> +  #  - is there an MIR?
> +  #    - has the MIR been rejected?
> +  #      - upload or submit to sponsorship queue to drop the dependency
> +  #  - else
> +  #    - file an MIR
> +
> +  # TODO: Check version comparisons for removal requests/fixes
> +  # - is the unsatisfied dependency due to a package dropped in Ubuntu but not
> +  #   Debian, which may come back as a sync later (i.e. not blacklisted)?
> +  #   - leave in -proposed
> +  # - is this package Ubuntu-specific?
> +  #   - is there an open bug in launchpad about this issue, with no action?
> +  #     - subscribe ubuntu-archive and request the package's removal
> +  #   - else
> +  #     - open a bug report and assign to the package's maintainer
> +  # - is the package in Debian, but the dependency is part of Ubuntu delta?
> +  #   - fix
> +
> +  for depends in unsatisfiable:
> +    in_archive = False
> +    in_proposed = False
> +    in_debian = False
> +
> +    Message.lprint(level+1, Message.FAIL, "{} can not be satisfied.".format(" ".join(depends)))
> +    if package_exists_in_distro(depends[1], distro='ubuntu'):
> +      in_archive = True
> +    if package_exists_in_distro(depends[1], distro='ubuntu', proposed=True):
> +      in_proposed = True
> +    if package_exists_in_distro(depends[1], distro='debian'):
> +      in_debian = True
> +
> +    if in_archive and not in_proposed:
> +      Message.lprint(level+2, Message.FAIL, "{} exists in the Ubuntu primary archive.".format(depends[1]))
> +      Message.lprint(level+2, Message.INFO, "Is the right version available?")
> +    elif not in_archive and in_proposed:
> +      Message.lprint(level+2, Message.FAIL, "{} is only in -proposed.".format(depends[1]))
> +      Message.lprint(level+2, Message.INFO, "Has this package been dropped in Ubuntu, but not in Debian?")
> +    elif not in_archive and not in_proposed and in_debian:
> +      Message.lprint(level+2, Message.FAIL, "{} only exists in Debian.".format(depends[1]))
> +      Message.lprint(level+2, Message.INFO, "Is this package blacklisted? Should it be synced?")
> +    elif not in_archive and not in_proposed and not in_debian:
> +      Message.lprint(level+2, Message.FAIL, "{} is not found.".format(depends[1]))
> +      Message.lprint(level+2, Message.INFO, "Has this package been removed?")
> +      Message.lprint(level+2, Message.INFO, "Consider filing a bug for the removal of {}".format(source.get('source')))
> +    else:
> +      Message.lprint(level+2, Message.INFO, "+++ This case is not implemented: +++")
> +      Message.lprint(level+2, Message.INFO, "in_archive: {}".format(in_archive))
> +      Message.lprint(level+2, Message.INFO, "in_proposed: {}".format(in_proposed))
> +      Message.lprint(level+2, Message.INFO, "in_debian: {}".format(in_debian))
> +
> +  if len(affected_sources) > 0:
> +    for src in affected_sources:
> +      find_excuses(src)
> +
> +  level -= 1
> +  
> +def process_autopkgtest(source):
> +  global level
> +
> +  autopkgtests = source.get('policy_info').get('autopkgtest')
> +
> +  level += 1
> +
> +  Message.lprint(level, Message.NONE, "Fix autopkgtests triggered by this package for:")
> +
> +  for key in autopkgtests.keys():
> +    test = autopkgtests[key]
> +    for arch in test.keys():
> +      arch_test = test[arch]

Iterating over a dict iterates over its keys, so you can just write `for key in autopkgtests:` (and similar elsewhere).  Though given that you're fetching the value immediately, a more compact way to write this would be:

  for key, test in autopkgtests.items():
      for arch, arch_test in test.items():

> +      if 'REGRESSION' in arch_test:
> +        Message.lprint(level+1, Message.FAIL, "{} {} {}".format(key, arch, arch_test[2]))
> +        # lprint(level+2, None, arch_test[1])
> +        if arch == "amd64":
> +          if '/' in key:
> +            pkgname = key.split('/')[0]
> +          else:
> +            pkgname = key
> +          ci_results = get_debian_ci_results(pkgname, "amd64")
> +          if ci_results is not None:
> +            result = ci_results.get('status')
> +            Message.lprint(level+2, Message.PASS if result == 'pass' else Message.FAIL, "CI tests {} in Debian".format(result))
> +            if result != 'pass':
> +              Message.lprint(level+3, Message.INFO, "Consider filing a bug (usertag: autopkgtest) in Debian if none exist.")
> +            else:
> +              # TODO: (cyphermox) detect this case? check versions?
> +              Message.lprint(level+3, Message.INFO, "If synced from Debian and requires sourceful changes to the package, "
> +                                    " file a bug for removal from -proposed.")
> +
> +  level -= 1
> +
> +
> +def process_blocking(source):
> +  global level
> +
> +  bugs = source.get('policy_info').get('block-bugs')
> +
> +  level += 1
> +
> +  Message.lprint(level, Message.NONE, "Resolve blocking bugs:")
> +
> +  for bug in bugs.keys():
> +    lp_bug = lp.bugs[bug]
> +    Message.lprint(level+1, Message.NONE, "[LP: #{}] {} {}".format(lp_bug.id, lp_bug.title, lp_bug.web_link))
> +    tasks = lp_bug.bug_tasks
> +    for task in tasks:
> +      ok = Message.FAIL
> +      if 'Fix Released' in task.status or 'Fix Committed' in task.status:
> +        ok = Message.PASS
> +      elif 'Invalid' in task.status or "Won't Fix" in task.status:
> +        continue

These are exact values of `task.status` rather than substrings.  How about:

  if task.status in ('Fix Committed', 'Fix Released'):
      ok = Message.PASS
  elif task.status in ('Invalid', "Won't Fix"):

> +      Message.lprint(level+2, ok, "{}({}) in {}".format(task.status, task.importance, task.bug_target_display_name))
> +
> +    # guesstimate whether this is a removal request
> +    if 'emove {}'.format(source.get('source')) in lp_bug.title:
> +      Message.lprint(level+2, Message.INFO, "This looks like a removal request. Consider pinging #ubuntu-release for processing.")
> +
> +  hints = source.get('hints', None)

Just `source.get('hints')` is fine.  (Similarly elsewhere.)

> +  if hints is not None:
> +    Message.lprint(level, Message.NONE, "Update manual hinting (contact #ubuntu-release):")
> +    for excuse in source.get('excuses'):
> +      if 'block request' not in excuse:
> +        continue
> +      Message.lprint(level+1, Message.INFO, excuse)
> +  
> +
> +  level -= 1
> +
> +def process_dependencies(source):
> +  global level
> +
> +  dependencies = source.get('dependencies')
> +  blocked_by = dependencies.get('blocked-by', None)
> +  migrate_after = dependencies.get('migrate-after', None)
> +
> +  level += 1
> +
> +  Message.lprint(level, Message.NONE, "Clear outstanding promotion interdependencies:")
> +
> +  if migrate_after is not None:
> +    Message.lprint(level+1, Message.FAIL, "{} will migrate after {}".format(source.get('source'),
> +                                                                            ", ".join(migrate_after)))
> +    Message.lprint(level+2, Message.INFO, "Investigate what packages are conflicting, by looking at "
> +                                          "'Trying easy on autohinter' lines in update_output.txt for "
> +                                          "{}".format(source.get('source')))
> +    Message.lprint(level+2, Message.INFO, "See http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt")
> +
> +  if blocked_by is not None:
> +    Message.lprint(level+1, Message.FAIL, "{} is blocked by the migration of {}".format(source.get('source'),
> +                                                                                        ", ".join(blocked_by)))
> +    level += 2
> +    for blocker in blocked_by:
> +      if blocker in seen:
> +        continue
> +      find_excuses(blocker)
> +    level -= 2
> +
> +  level -= 1
> +
> +def process_missing_builds(source):
> +  global level
> +  source_name = source.get('source')
> +  missing_builds = source.get('missing-builds', None)
> +  reasons = source.get('reason')
> +
> +  level += 1
> +
> +  Message.lprint(level, Message.NONE, "Fix missing builds:")
> +
> +  # TODO: handle different missing binaries per arch
> +  # TODO: have britney output this in a more easily parseable way
> +  excuses = source.get('excuses')
> +  missing_binaries = []
> +  for excuse in excuses:
> +    if 'missing build' not in excuse:
> +      continue
> +
> +    binaries = excuse.split(' ')[6:-4]
> +    for binary in binaries:
> +      if binary not in missing_binaries:
> +        missing_binaries.append(binary)

Maybe make `missing_binaries` a set, sorting it later for display.

> +
> +  any_failure = False
> +  if missing_builds is not None:
> +    for arch in missing_builds.get('on-architectures'):
> +      failed = lp_build_results(source_name, arch)
> +      any_failure = failed if any_failure is False else True
> +
> +    if any_failure is False:
> +      Message.lprint(level+1, Message.INFO, "No failed builds found.")
> +      Message.lprint(level+1, Message.INFO, "{} may have dropped a binary package.".format(source_name))
> +      Message.lprint(level+1, Message.INFO, "Consider requesting the removal of {} "
> +                                            "on #ubuntu-release.".format(", ".join(missing_binaries)))
> +
> +  elif 'no-binaries' in reasons:
> +    any_failure = lp_build_results(source_name, None)
> +
> +  level -= 1
> + 
> +def process(source):
> +  global level
> +  global seen
> +
> +  source_name = source.get('source')
> +  reasons = source.get('reason')
> +
> +  seen.append(source_name)
> +
> +  candidate = Message.PASS if source.get('is-candidate') else Message.FAIL
> +  Message.lprint(level, candidate, "{} is {}.".format(source_name,
> +                                                      "a valid candidate" if source.get('is-candidate')
> +                                                        else "not considered"))
> +
> +  Message.lprint(level, Message.NONE, "Next steps for {} {}: {}".format(source_name, source.get('new-version'), reasons))
> +
> +  work_needed = False
> +
> +  missing_builds = source.get('missing-builds', None)
> +  if missing_builds is not None or 'no-binaries' in reasons:
> +    work_needed = True
> +    process_missing_builds(source)
> +
> +  if 'depends' in reasons:
> +    work_needed = True
> +    process_unsatisfiable_depends(source)
> +
> +  if 'block' in reasons:
> +    work_needed = True
> +    process_blocking(source)
> +
> +  if 'autopkgtest' in reasons:
> +    work_needed = True
> +    process_autopkgtest(source)
> +
> +  dependencies = source.get('dependencies', None)
> +  if dependencies is not None:
> +    work_needed = True
> +    process_dependencies(source)
> +
> +  if work_needed is False:
> +    Message.lprint(level+1, Message.PASS, "Well job!")

:-) Though maybe a bit much of an in-joke for a general-use tool ...

> +    Message.lprint(level+2, Message.INFO, "Investigate if packages are conflicting, by looking at "
> +                                          "'Trying easy on autohinter' lines in update_output.txt for "
> +                                          "{}".format(source.get('source')))
> +    Message.lprint(level+2, Message.INFO, "See http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt")

Redirects to https://, so might as well be presented that way from the start.

> +
> +
> +parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Evaluate next steps for proposed migration')
> +parser.add_argument('source',
> +                    help='the package to evaluate')
> +parser.add_argument('--no-cache', dest='do_not_cache', action='store_const',
> +                    const=True, default=False,
> +                    help='Do not cache excuses')
> +parser.add_argument('--refresh', action='store_const',
> +                    const=True, default=False,
> +                    help='Force refresh of cached excuses')
> +
> +args = parser.parse_args()
> +
> +refresh_due = False
> +excuses_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.excuses.yaml'))
> +if args.do_not_cache:
> +  fp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
> +else:
> +  try:
> +    fp = open(excuses_path, 'r')
> +  except FileNotFoundError:
> +    refresh_due = True
> +    pass
> +  finally:
> +    fp = open(excuses_path, 'a+')
> +
> +  file_state = os.stat(excuses_path)
> +  mtime = file_state.st_mtime
> +  now = time.time()
> +  if (now - mtime) > MAX_CACHE_AGE:
> +    refresh_due = True
> +
> +with fp:
> +  if args.refresh or refresh_due:
> +    url_opener = FancyURLopener()
> +    excuses_data = url_opener.retrieve('http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.yaml',

https:// again.

> +                                       fp.name,
> +                                       report_download)
> +  fp.seek(0)
> +
> +  excuses = yaml.load(fp)
> +  find_excuses(args.source)
> +

Your team Ubuntu Package Archive Administrators is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~cyphermox/ubuntu-archive-tools/what-next into lp:ubuntu-archive-tools.

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