REJECT: kazam

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Sun Feb 5 20:07:12 UTC 2012

Jamie Strandboge [2012-02-05  8:59 -0600]:
>  * the packaging uses native versioning. Usually this is a mistake. 
>    The packaging should instead use an orig.tar.gz and a version of the
>    form 1.0-1 or 1.0-0ubuntu1 (to make inclusion in Debian easier).

I highly recommend to generally reject packages which are introduced
in Ubuntu and don't use -0ubuntuN versions. They needlessly trample
upon Debian's namespace, circument the autosync protection, and are
confusing because people assume they are in Debian as well.

Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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