Rejecting indicator-application

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Fri Dec 11 12:04:26 GMT 2009

Hey Ken,

I reviewed indicator-application, and there are still some fixes to


- COPYING.LGPL* are in the diff.gz, they need to be in the upstream release to
  make the tarball redistributable, and are also in /usr/share/common-licenses/
  (so no need to ship them in the packaging)

Bugs (not NEW blockers, but will be for main, and should be fixed anyway):
- should be in upstream tarball
- Don't build-dep on scrollkeeper, it's obsolete; use rarian (or -compat);
  also, it builds with --disable-scrollkeeper?
- Could use Standards-Version 3.8.3
- Typo in Vcs-Bzr ("launchpa")
- Please don't install .a and .la files; let's not further encourage static
  libraries and libtool madness
- clean_up_docs.patch: No patch header, and looks weird; why wouldn't you want
  a link to the latest online documentation? OK if that isn't a template, but 
  literal boilerplate, and there is no online documentation. (Can we fix the
  docs upstream then?)


Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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