glassfish and netbeans5.5

Colin Watson cjwatson at
Sat Mar 31 00:14:42 BST 2007


As one of the Ubuntu archive administrators, I've reviewed the glassfish
etc. packages in the queue for Feisty. netbeans5.5 is just fine, and
I've accepted it.

For the others, I started with imq and noticed a number of problems with
the filesystem layout. The main problem here is that most of the files
are installed in /opt/sunappserver/imq/, which isn't allowed for
packages in the Ubuntu archive: we reserve /opt for packages outside our
archive. I'm sorry to be picky about this, but this is quite an
important requirement for us as it makes it much easier to avoid
collisions between packages we provide and ones provided by ISVs. (In
other words, once the package is to go into our archive, the rules
change a bit. netbeans5.5 uses /usr/share/netbeans/5.5/ and other
locations as appropriate, so it's all good.)

It would probably be simplest just to move /opt/sunappserver/imq/ to
/usr/share/sunappserver/imq/. I have a few further caveats and
suggestions, though. The following are high-priority (need to be
addressed before inclusion in the Ubuntu archive, I believe):

  * etc/init.d/imq isn't installed in such a way that it will be run at
    system boot time, so it looks like this may not really work right.
    If it's supposed to do so, then it would be simplest to install it
    using dh_installinit from debian/rules, and then the right
    maintainer script fragments will be added for you to get /etc/rc*.d/
    symlinks. Furthermore, it refers to /opt/sun/mq and /etc/opt/sun/mq
    which don't exist in this package, and there doesn't seem to be an

  * imq/COPYRIGHT should either be removed or else subsumed into
    debian/copyright. Since imq/COPYRIGHT doesn't appear to permit us to
    redistribute this software in the Ubuntu archive, I think it's
    important to clarify whether it still applies.

  * imqinit has various hardcoded paths to the J2SE, none of which match
    the Ubuntu sun-java5/sun-java6 packages. Although I haven't actually
    tried running it, it doesn't look like it will work without setting
    an environment variable or similar. I'd suggest just adding /usr to
    this list, and then the standard /usr/bin/java "alternatives" system
    will be used.

The following are low-priority (would be nice to do, but wouldn't block
inclusion in the Ubuntu archive from my point of view as an archive

  * I'd suggest that imq/bin/* ought to go in /usr/bin/, unless other
    parts of the suite prevent this. You'd have to arrange for it to
    look in the right place for imqinit etc., though.

  * imq/README should go in /usr/share/doc/imq/README.

  * etc/imqenv.conf shouldn't be executable.

  * Is any of the stuff in imq/var/ needed in this package? I couldn't
    see any references to the licence file anywhere else.

  * etc/passfile.sample, and maybe the demo too, should probably go in

  * imq/demo/* should probably go in /usr/share/doc/imq/demo/, or
    possibly /usr/lib/imq/demo/.

  * imq/include/* looks like it should go in /usr/include/, perhaps?

If you're moving lots of files around per my low-priority suggestions,
then, rather than hacking the Makefile to make everything go in the
right place, it might be easiest to add a debian/imq.install file
listing files and target directories and use dh_install to put them into
place (see the dh_install(1) man page). There should then only be a few
files like the init script and imq/bin/* that need to be patched to get
file locations right.

glassfish, glassfish-bin, and sunwderby also have the problem of using
/opt/sunappserver/, but it looks much more straightforward to fix there;
basically just move from /opt/sunappserver/ to /usr/share/sunappserver/
and tweak references to that. Some scripts in sunwderby also assume
/usr/java/bin/java rather than /usr/bin/java unless you set JAVA_HOME -
we have a general policy that packages should work in the absence of
special environment variables, so this should probably be adjusted for

I'm rejecting glassfish, glassfish-bin, imq, and sunwderby from the
queue for now, due to the above problems. However, I'm nevertheless keen
to be able to get these in before the archive closes for Feisty, so do
let me know when you've uploaded an improved version and I'll review it
as a matter of urgency.


Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at]

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