Bugs closed in Debian
Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic
mom at ubuntu.com
Wed Aug 16 03:46:12 BST 2006
rsjog 1367089 Debian Bug report logs - #1367089
apache2 273412 CAN-2004-0811: Apache 2.0.51 authentication bypass
apache2 304786 apache2-common: Include /etc/apache2/conf.d/*.conf
apache2 316173 SECURITY: HTTP proxy responses with both Transfer-Encoding and Content-Length headers (CAN-2005-2088)
apache2 320048 SECURITY: buffer-overrun in apache2-ssl (CAN-2005-1268)
apache2 320063 Security: buffer-overrun in apache2-ssl
apache 380231 [CVE-2006-3747] Off-by-one flaw exists in the Rewrite module, mod_rewrite
apache 381381 CVE-2006-3918: Missing Expect header sanitation may lead to XSS vulnerabilities
apache2 154148 apache2-mpm-perchild: /usr/sbin/apache2 missing in package
apache2 155307 apache2-mpm-threadpool: install fails; undefined symbol gdbm_errno in /usr/lib/libaprutil.so.0
apache2 155317 /usr/sbin/apache2: relocation error: /usr/sbin/apache2: undefined symbol: apr_hook_global_pool
apache2 155717 svn: relocation error: /usr/lib/libaprutil.so.0: undefined symbol: gdbm_errno
apache2 156959 apache2-mpm-prefork: Fails to install
apache2 162344 apache2: /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start|restart|graceful|stop does not work
apache2 162350 apache2-mpm-worker: upgrade fails with usage message for /usr/sbin/apache2
apache2 187502 New upstream version fixes two vulnerabilities
apache2 195187 default proxy.conf is wide open
apache2 196231 apache2-dev: Uninstallable with current version of libgdbmg1-dev
apache2 198607 apache2-dev: apxs2 fails due to missing values in file 'config_vars.mk'
apache2 217795 apache2-common: mod-auth-ldap has missing symbols
apache2 230226 libapr0: libaprutil-0 cannot be used
apache2 240100 apache2: multiple security vulnerabilities fixed in new upstream release
apache2 261558 Apache2 doesn't start when environment variables contain newlines
apache2 266230 apache2-mpm-prefork: apache2 is down during connection.
apache2 266279 apache2-mpm-prefork: Segmentation fault $HTTPD -k $ARGV, on startup of apache2 server
apache2 266736 apache2-mpm-prefork: server fails after upgrade - ssl problem
apache2 268155 Unresolved symbol
apache2 273017 apache2-common: post-installation script returned error exit status 1
apache2 273019 apache2-mpm-worker: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
apache2 280527 apache2-common: grep + set -e = exit 1
apache2 294395 apache2-threaded-dev: Can't build php5 module
apache2 307567 apache2-common: Apache2 consumes 100% CPU after a few requests
apache2 316477 apache2-mpm-worker fails to execute any CGIs!
apache2 327269 apache2 security update breaks ssl+svn
apache2 332791 error: `PEM_F_DEF_CALLBACK' undeclared
hplip 380845 hplip 1.6.7-1 uninstallable due to Python transition
policycoreutils 383101 ImportError: No module named seobject
pxe 376501 pxe: Trips over stray pid file.
sqlite3 339369 sqlite3: test segfaults on hppa
sqlite3 364196 sqlite miscompiled on at least ia64, -fno-strict-aliasing is missing
xmms 380115 xmms shows file selection box, but doesn't say a beep
xmms 380318 xmms is missing some libraries
xmms 380321 XMMS loads no output plugins
xmms 383044 xmms: plugins are built incorrectly on amd64
apache2 151286 apache2_2.0.37-2(alpha/unstable): FTBFS: missing build-depends
apache2 151772 apache2-mpm-worker: dpkg --configure aborts
apache2 151848 apache2-common: Apache2 fails to install if /etc/mime.types is missing
apache2 152220 apache2-mpm-prefork: fails to remove cleanly
apache2 152221 apache2-mfm-prefork: fails to install
apache2 156640 apache2-mpm-worker: init script doesn't check for existence of apache2ctl
apache2 157895 apache2-dev: depends on mpm, breaks autobuilds of other packages
apache2 177985 openssl dependency problems
apache2 178105 libapr0: postinst not idempotent
apache2 178141 libapr0: install broken /usr/lib/libapr.so.0 exists
apache2 178551 buildd's don't like the ssl certificate prompting from apache2-common
apache2 188655 mod_cgid script socket placed below /etc
apache2 195968 undefined non-weak symbols / incomplete inter-library dependency information
apache2 222551 violates policy 11.5.2, access to HTML documents
apache2 222552 violates policy 11.5.3, Web Document Root
apache2 223417 cannot purge any of the various models of Apache2
apache2 266165 new version causes Subversion to segfault
apache2 266330 subversion entirely broken since libapr0 2.0.50-9
apache2 272103 FTBFS: apache2-common problem
apache2 295428 FTBFS: autoconf bug?
apache2 340538 apache2: includes non-free and possibly undistributable files
apt-proxy 382012 apt-proxy-import doesn't start after last upgrade
bacula-doc 382761 bacula-doc: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends on 'gs-common' - "dvipdf: Command not found"
boo 382700 CLR 1.1 vs 2.0 mess
linux-kernel-headers 379720 vdr-plugin-bitstreamout: FTBFS: error: 'fls' was not declared in this scope
pymsnt 382422 pymsnt: duplicate log entry
remctl 383136 Uninstallable due to unmet dep on libkrb53-dev
reportbug 383024 reportbug: Broken dependency: needs python2.3, but depends python (2.4)
rsjog 191995 rsjog: FTBFS: Cannot find -lX11
rsjog 212292 rsjog: Uninstallable because of missing libgtk-ruby
rsjog 212292 rsjog: Uninstallable because of missing libgtk-ruby
rsjog 347090 rsjog: FTBFS: build-depends on removed xlibs-dev
rsjog 368513 Uninstallable due to unmet dep on libgtk-ruby1.8
rsjog 379589 rsjog: FTBFS: /bin/sh: ruby1.6: not found
squashfs 383137 Uninstallable due to unmet dep on linux-image-2.6.17-1-686
tightvnc 381317 tightvnc_1.2.9-15(ia64/unstable): FTBFS: compile errors
apache 292333 apache: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD
apache2 151712 apache2-dev: apxs2 does not work
apache2 155412 libapr0-dev has misspelt dependency on libgdbmg10-dev
apache2 155865 apache2-mpm-prefork: apache2 fails to start
apache2 156129 apache2: Fails to install when apache 1.3 is installed (port 80 is in use)
apache2 157005 apache2-common: /usr/share/man/man8/suexec2.8.gz has wrong owner/group and permissions
apache2 157445 apache2-common: Won't start if /var/log/apache2/ssl_scache exists on startup
apache2 177729 libapr0-dev: headers not found
apache2 177792 libapr0: Please restore libapr.so.0!
apache2 177795 apache2: postinst mis-enables CGI
apache2 177881 apache2-common: conflict whith apache-ssl (file /usr/sbin/ssl-certificate)
apache2 178244 apache2-common: Needs to depend on openssl
apache2 188278 apxs reports apxs:Error: Invalid query string `APR_BINDIR'.
apache2 190092 apache2-common: LDAP support gone
apache2 190663 apache2 missing a dependency on net-tools
apache2 195141 apache2-dev: apxs2 -q LIBTOOL returns wrong value
apache2 195190 apache2-dev: /usr/share/apache2/build/config_vars.mk has many bogus paths listed
apache2 200593 some vulnerabilities in apache2 was fixed in upstream and new version 2.0.47 was released
apache2 202094 apache2: sometimes becomes nonresponsive
apache2 203093 Should be able to still uninstall if can't stop apache
apache2 220299 [apache2]: can't create any locks
apache2 220334 upgrade hoses apache2, weird ipv6 error message
apache2 230175 relocation error while purging apache2-mpm-worker
apache2 231726 apache2-common - fails to install: problems making Certificate Request
apache2 245487 postinst fails if it can't bind to port 80
apache2 245488 apache2 needs a prerm that stops the daemon
apache2 258145 postinst: lossage with "a2enmod userdir"
apache2 258149 apache2-common: symlink of userdir.conf fails: target already exists on upgrade
apache2 258202 mod_deflate.so: mod_deflate fails to load: missing symbol "deflate"
apache2 258217 apache2-mpm-prefork: SSL a no-go.
apache2 258453 apache2-mpm-prefork: apache2 version 2.0.50-2 fails to start
apache2 258713 apache2-common: init-script not failsafe
apache2 258713 apache2-common: init-script not failsafe
apache2 258772 apache2-mpm-prefork: wrong path of suEXEC binary
apache2 260756 apache2-common: mpm-prefork fails to starts if cgi module (and others) enabled since it's compiled in
apache2 262009 libraries not correctly linked
apache2 263038 apache2-mpm-prefork: cgi-bin doesn't seem to work
apache2 266198 apr_dir_make(APR_OS_DEFAULT) sets the sticky bit
apache2 267693 apache2-common: When using dash as /bin/sh postinst generates invalid httpd.conf
apache2 268936 apache2-common: mods-enabled/userdir.load unnecessary?
apache2 270768 apache2-prefork-dev: /usr/bin/apxs2 -q LIBTOOL gives path to non-existent libtool file
apache2 272865 apache2-common: a2enmod quits before installing asked module
apache2 280823 libapache2-mod-php4: regular expressions broken with php-4.3.9 when external libpcre is used
apache2 287033 fails with libgcc1/woody, but doesn't depend on newer
apache2 294673 Warning: preg_match: internal pcre_fullinfo() error -3
apache2 294675 apache2-mpm-prefork: prce function error on parsing
apache2 294740 /usr/bin/php4: preg_match() throws pcre_fullinfo() errors
apache2 295915 apache2-common: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart is like totally broken.
apache2 301819 apache2: FTBFS when autoconf2.13 is installed
apache2 303076 apache2-common: false logic in /etc/init.d/apache2 in deciding which PidFile directive is being used
apache2 308648 apache2-mpm-prefork: Childs segfaults
apache2 326435 CAN-2005-2728: DoS through overly long Range values passed to the byte-range filter
apache2 333363 apache2-utils: apach2-utils depends on libssl0.9.7(not installable)
apache2 343467 [CVE-2005-3352] XSS issue in mod_imap
apache2 353443 Apache2 : SSLVerifyClient directive in location make post to PHP script impossible
apt-proxy 382193 apt-proxy: Dependency issue: incompatible with sarge's python-twisted package
apt-proxy 382946 apt-proxy: fails on startup: cannot import name http
boo 382395 Recommends unavailable boo-examples
bsdmainutils 356943 bsdmainutils: [calendar] FTBFS on hurd-i386: Unconditional use of non POSIX-mandated system limit macros
drscheme 380702 mzscheme: postinst fails with path->string type error
gallery 377718 gallery: Several files disclosure in Gallery WebRoot
gtk-qt-engine 300261 xchat: using immense amount of pixmap memory
ming 380870 Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
monodevelop 381598 monodevelop: errors finding gtk namespaces when compiling gtk#2 project
moosic 380877 Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
ogle 345292 ogle-mmx: no picture
oss-preserve 322206 FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD
powermgmt-base 367894 powermgmt-base: on_ac_power needs to be in /bin or /sbin
rootskel 382254 rootskel: /dev/hvsi* are serial consoles on non-virtualized IBM power machines.
rsjog 289763 rsjog fails with no such device /dev/sonypi
squashfs 382714 Progress information patch breaks mksquashfs when generating compressed volumes > 4GB
uudeview 242999 Possible security hole
apache2 151422 apache2-common: suexec does not work well
apache2 151432 apache2-mpm-prefork: "/etc/init.d/apache2 reload" breaks
apache2 151459 apache2-common: Doesn't make /usr/share/doc avaliable by default
apache2 151744 apache2-common: nested <!--#if --> SSI directives are misparsed in apache 2
apache2 152940 apache2-common: ssl.conf includes SSL logging directives
apache2 154879 apache2-mpm-worker: needs tighter dependency on libapr0
apache2 155178 apache2: strange /usr/share/apache2/icons/icons directory
apache2 155179 apache2: alias /manual/ is a 404 if apache2-doc is not installed.
apache2 155297 apache2-mpm-prefork: old pre-removal script returned error exit status 127
apache2 155363 apache2-mpm-prefork: libaprutil.so.0 has gdbm linkage error
apache2 155393 apache2-common: Includes CVS directories
apache2 155400 missing version in dependecy libapr0 (=2.0.39+cvs.1027964860-1)
apache2 155450 apache2-common: langauge for welcome page not negotiated in default install
apache2 155450 apache2-common: langauge for welcome page not negotiated in default install
apache2 155488 apache2: missing logrotate config file
apache2 155602 apache2-doc: Err, CVS directorys in a binary paket?
apache2 155719 failed auto-upgrade of apache2 unstable package
apache2 155801 apache2-mpm-worker: upgrade fails on i386
apache2 156899 apache2-common: apache2 failed to start with: Unable to create scoreboard
apache2 159459 apache2-common: a2enmod also symlinks *.dpkg-* files
apache2 160364 apache2-mpm-prefork: doesn't closely follow console message standard
apache2 160367 apache2-common: language/encoding prolblem with default page
apache2 161512 Should be more selective about filenames when reading config directories
apache2 162537 Package: apache2-mpm-threadpool 2.0.40-1
apache2 162791 apache2-common: problems with cgi-bin
apache2 163124 apache2-common: Bad configuration for the proxy in /etc/apache2/mods-available/
apache2 163533 apache2-common: access to /doc/ not allowed for ::1 (ip6-localhost)
apache2 163842 Default /etc/apache2/mods-available/cgi.conf has bad reference to ScriptSock
apache2 165693 apache2's init script should give proper error message
apache2 167552 apxs2 cannot parse the /etc/apache2 conf files
apache2 167557 apxs2 does not add module path relative to ServerRoot
apache2 168338 apache2: bashism in scripts/*
apache2 169431 apache2-common: documentation of AllowOverride strongly (and wrongly) implies it is valid within a <Location> directive
apache2 170803 apache2: should Build-Depend on debhelper (>= 4.1.1 )
apache2 171095 apache2-mpm-prefork: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart starts apache2 if it's not running
apache2 177845 apache2-common should depend on openssl
apache2 177876 apache2-mpm-prefork: Apache2Syntax error prevents removal
apache2 178087 Invalid command 'Action'.
apache2 179542 apache2-common: Korean's abbreviation not 'kr' but 'ko'. It must fix for web browsers.
apache2 179571 apache2-common: mod_actions missing
apache2 179674 Explicit dependency upon libsasl-dev would be nice
apache2 179776 apache2-dev lacks /etc/apache2/build/special.mk needed by apxs -g -n newmodule
apache2 181527 "Action" command stopped working after upgrade to 2.0.44-6
apache2 187723 apache2-common: typo in /usr/sbin/apache2ctl
apache2 188483 apache2-common: missing mod_include.so
apache2 188584 apache2-common: Should be easier to run SSL virtualhosts
apache2 194111 apache2-common: No mod_auth_digest in mods-available
apache2 196115 [apache2] Unmentioned modules & the time it cost me to find out.
apache2 196230 apache2-common: Echo for scoreboard file breaks
apache2 197020 Bug apache2-mpm-prefork 2.0.46-3 uses outdated libxmltok1
apache2 197152 apache2-common: no include.load in mods-available
apache2 197685 libapr0-dev: apr-config ---libs is missing -lpthread
apache2 198389 apache2-common: mod_include is still missing
apache2 198981 (patch) suexec docroot should be /var/www, not /var/www/apache2-default
apache2 200829 apache2 should allow symlinks in cgi-bin
apache2 200829 apache2 should allow symlinks in cgi-bin
apache2 201530 apache2-common: Broken /etc/apache2/mods-available/dav.conf
apache2 201648 2.0.47 breaks "manual" alias and all page views
apache2 201648 2.0.47 breaks "manual" alias and all page views
apache2 204672 apache2: configure script chose to use gdbm
apache2 206375 apache2-common: Wrong /var/lock/apache2 permissions for WebDAV locks database
apache2 208569 "Can't change the startup time via update-rc.d"
apache2 208569 "Can't change the startup time via update-rc.d"
apache2 222786 apache2-mpm-prefork: configure fails if restart not allowed by policy
apache2 227653 suexec is on by default, breaks user cgi scripts if UserDir has changed
apache2 228840 apache2-prefork-dev has identity crisis
apache2 230263 apache2-common: typo in init script error message
apache2 230760 apache2: forgotten space in debian/rules
apache2 231147 "Invalid argument" apr_proc_mutex_unlock error messages when restarting
apache2 231450 PHP5 install through apxs2: missing leading slash in module path
apache2 231665 general: default scripts in /cgi-bin/ for webservers
apache2 234489 'Include /etc/apache2/sites-enabled' a bit too inclusive.
apache2 234591 apache2-common: ssl.conf incomplete
apache2 235810 apache2: pcre symbols should not be seen by apache modules
apache2 236193 apache2-mpm-perchild: graceful restart doubles number of threads
apache2 238586 apache2-mpm-perchild: BusyWorkers and IdleWorkers always 0
apache2 240301 apache2 has broken init script
apache2 240772 apache2-common: files in apache2-default should be in /var/www
apache2 241223 apache2-common: missing largefile (>2GB) support
apache2 242169 update-apache2-modules fails with error message: "Exception exceptions.AttributeError: "DbfilenameShelf instance has no attribute 'writeback'" in ignored"
apache2 242351 annoying verbose startup script
apache2 243340 apache2-*-dev: Wrong query results from apxs2
apache2 244897 Problems with big files (size over 2 gigabytes)
apache2 246134 apache2-common: a2enmod cannot install userdir module
apache2 246139 apache2-common: apache2.conf should include the "UserDir disabled root" directive
apache2 248038 apache2-doc: documentation is all garbled
apache2 249268 apache2-common: duplicate entries for mod_ext_filter in /etc/apache2/modules-available
apache2 251102 apache2-common : mod_userdir is not compiled as a module
apache2 251800 [PATCH] apr_table_overlap doesn't work as advertised
apache2 252254 apache2-common: Please clean up after yourself
apache2 255974 freshly installed apache2 does not work out of the box
apache2 259414 apache2 init script contains incorrect path to SSL cache
apache2 259693 Please revert to building cgi as a module
apache2 260058 apache2.conf: UserDir directive is unnecessary
apache2 263511 apache2-mpm-prefork.prerm needs to be robust
apache2 264070 does not install a default index.html
apache2 264622 apache2-common: /var/cache/apache2 has wrong permissions
apache2 264645 Directory listing stops at large file
apache2 264645 Directory listing stops at large file
apache2 266145 Apache2
apache2 266211 libapr0: new version causes apache2 (prefork and worker) to segfault
apache2 266724 apache2-common: apache2ctl requires lynx
apache2 267547 dwww: Web search interface produces perl source instead of processed HTML page
apache2 269309 apache2-common: should suggest/recommend rather than depend on lynx
apache2 269398 apache2-mpm-worker: cannot stop apache2 if /etc/default/apache2 NO_START=1
apache2 269580 apache2 should have versioned dependancy to apache2 models
apache2 270216 apache2-common: Reversed RedirectMatch for /manual
apache2 272207 apache2-common postinst wants /usr/bin/apache2 - breaks pbuilder
apache2 272531 apache2-common: force-reload does not retain SSL define.
apache2 273021 apache2-common: post-installation script returned error exit status 1 + solution
apache2 273258 Apache2 does not installs: post-installation script returned error exit
apache2 273759 removing apache2.conf file renders apache 2 non removable
apache2 277787 apache2-common: apache proxy (and mod_clamav): can't do windows update
apache2 279875 removing apache2-mpm-worker fails
apache2 281557 apache2-mpm-worker: Apache2 does not restart properly
apache2 283141 apache2-mpm-worker: install fails: no cgid
apache2 285337 apache2-mpm-worker: Apache is unable to serve a file of 4Gb size
apache2 291856 Duplicate Alias /icons/ "/usr/share/apache2/icons/"
apache2 293831 apache2-mpm-prefork: Apache goes into infinite loop when __db.ssl_scache exists but ssl_scache doesn't.
apache2 294257 plattform specific preprocessor symbols in dev package
apache2 294737 hardcodes /bin/netstat
apache2 296728 apache2: Apache should only read .conf$ files in conf.d
apache2 301045 apache2-common: suexec permissions aren't paranoid
apache2 305121 New upstream version 2.0.54 available
apache2 305242 apache2: bug #301045 fix breaks cgi
apache2 306481 libapr0-dev: apr-config points to non-existent libtool
apache2 307134 CAN-2005-1344 htdigest buffer overflow
apache2 307665 apache2-common: Directories of 'FILES' listed in apache2-manpage are incorrect.
apache2 311317 apache2: The DocumentRoot should be specified without a trailing slash.
apache2 316303 apache2-common: apache2ctl -k stop not being used - faulty init.d/apache2 logic
apache2 330275 apache2: init script exits with 0 when called incorrectly
apache2 331741 apache2 depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition
apache2 337817 apache2-common: grep complains if /etc/apache2/conf.d is empty
apache2 339323 apache2-common: /etc/init.d/apache2 throws away error information [patch]
apache2 340761 apache2 debian/rules missing many set -e
apache2 340955 apache2-common: default /etc/apache2/apache2.conf uses non-POSIX globs in Includes
apache2 345922 options error in Apache config file
apache2 348189 apache2-common: logrotate causes error message from grep
apache2 379015 apache2-common: Ugly error messages when /etc/apache2/conf.d/ is empty
apt-proxy 333847 imapproxy stop always prints more info than desired
apt-proxy 382171 Error with option http_proxy
bacula-doc 380624 bacula-doc: wrong Build-depends on TeX packages
beagle 368354 Patch for NMU of beagle 0.2.6-1
bsdmainutils 291150 bsdmainutils: [hexdump] hexdump fails ungracefully lacking permissions
bsdmainutils 345598 bsdmainutils: [calendar] Outdated entry in calendar.birthday
cdrom-checker 371856 cdrom-checker: fails even though md5sums are correct
dbconfig-common 379730 dbconfig-common asks for database password on upgrade even if no upgrades included in package
diction 184711 diction: typos in 'style' man page... Rudolph "Flesh"?
diction 310523 diction: "(avoid words that end in -wise)" wrongly advised for whole word "wise".
discover-data 250748 discover: Lists VIA Rhine device but fails to load via-rhine module
discover-data 296474 discover: Videocard not detected
discover-data 325439 Can't find SATA drives and network on new Intel 945 BTX system
discover-data 362792 discover: Bad intel 950 video card support
discover-data 363330 discover: Bad Toshiba A105-S4004
discover-data 377712 discover: trying to load i810_rng module on 2.6 kernel
grip 278703 grip: help fails silently if yelp is not installed
grip 322738 grip: default oggenc options doesn't include track number
gtk-qt-engine 295929 gtk2-engines-gtk-qt: open gtk apps crash if fonts are changed
gtk-qt-engine 354299 workrave crashes when using gtk2-engines-gtk-qt
gtk-qt-engine 379956 ITA: gtk-qt-engine -- theme engine using Qt ...
latex-mk 383192 latex-mk: Uses csh but does not depend on it.
oss-preserve 359539 oss-preserve: please finish /usr/doc transition
oss-preserve 367726 oss-preserve: must use invoke-rc.d
powermgmt-base 375886 missing depends - line 8: depmod: command not found
sqlite3 378247 sqlite3: New upstream version available: 3.3.6
uudeview 341440 uudeview: MIME parameter parser ignore some tspecials from RFC 1521
uudeview 373630 diff for 0.5.20-2.1 NMU
uudeview 378076 uudeview: -a doesn't do what it says
vzctl 382666 postinst-errors: if dash is default shell, directory /var/lock/subsys doesn't exist
vzctl 382868 Interface not identified correctly
vzctl 383103 /bin/awk not present
apache2 151314 apache2-common: icons belong into /usr/share/apache2/icons/ and not/usr/share/apache2/icons/icons
apache2 151433 apache2-common: Claims not to be in the archive
apache2 151766 apache2-common: /var/www/apache2-default/manual/ should be in apache2-doc
apache2 155096 apache2-common: DAVLockDB
apache2 155359 apache2-common: I don't like Servername=localhost in default site config
apache2 155402 apache2-common: please remove CVS/ dir in /etc/apache2/
apache2 157113 apache2-common: apache2ctl man page refers to apachectl
apache2 161793 apache2-common: Obsolete dependency on libssl096
apache2 162627 apache2-mpm-prefork: package install error message "Apache2httpd (no pid file) not running"
apache2 162775 libapr0: APR doesn't use library versioning properly
apache2 167550 Rename of apxs to apxs2 confuses configure scripts
apache2 167595 apache2-doc shouldn't be recommend by apache2-common; just be suggested
apache2 172294 Documentation of "AddOutputFilterByType" Directive is missing
apache2 173956 a2dismod: "Which module would you like to enable?"
apache2 197242 libapr0,apache2-dev: meaningless versioned conflict with self
apache2 197986 apache2-common: /etc/vhosts and /etc/apache2 are left when purging
apache2 202925 apache2-common: SSL documentation needs simple example (esp. NameVirtualHosts)
apache2 208751 apache2: Please add README information in /usr/share/doc
apache2 232954 apache2-common: problems with the default start page
apache2 232956 apache2-common: missing installation files
apache2 234538 apache2-mpm-threadpool: inaccurate/misleading description
apache2 234542 apache2-mpm-worker: inaccurate/misleading description
apache2 234543 apache2-mpm-prefork: incomplete description
apache2 236509 apache2-common: Remove /etc/apache2/magic as a magic.mime file is provided by libmagic1
apache2 237030 apache2-common: /etc/default/apache2 is not removed when purging
apache2 239571 apache2-common: /etc/logrotate.d/apache2 not removed when package removed
apache2 244847 apache2-doc: Installed location does not match default page's link location
apache2 253271 apache2-common: changing port was problematic
apache2 275175 stop in prerm vs. force-reload in postinst
apache2 332619 wrong pathes in apache2-manpage
bsdmainutils 354695 bsdmainutils: unsatisfiable Suggests on wenglish
chewmail 381674 Error in man page
diction 318245 errors in /usr/share/diction/en
grip 214723 grip adds useless "created by grip" entry to ID3 comment field
grip 324885 grip does nothing when trying to open a help topic
gtk-qt-engine 315119 Bottom scrollbar button missing in gaim conversation window when plastik theme is used
libsemanage 382878 python-semanage: Description says "Python2.4 bindings" but it's both 2.3 and 2.4
libwww-freshmeat-perl 377854 Long description is not a description
ogle 228605 ogle-mmx: ifo_dump takes titlset argo, not title arg
sqlite3 361412 libsqlite3-tcl: version in pkgIndex.tcl is wrong
apache2 103471 ITP: apache2 -- The next generation of Apache
apache2 151384 apache2-common: Linux is not a version of GNU
apache2 153593 apache2-common: directory listing should produce valid HTML
apache2 153599 apache2-common: public_html does not work for NIS/NFS accounts
apache2 155097 apache2-common: Microsoft WebFolders
apache2 168109 apache2-common: mods-available/ssl.conf should enable ssl, and specify a default cert/key
apache2 168709 apache2-common: a2enmod cgi in postinst?
apache2 172044 apache2-common: Missing mod_auth_ldap
apache2 172093 apache2: please enable missing modules: at least auth_ldap
apache2 172592 apache2-common: Please include a robots.txt
apache2 174221 apache2-mpm-threadpool: Support DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS in debian/rules
apache2 174583 mod_auth_ldap for apache2
apache2 177837 apache2-common: Please make postinst script non-interactive
apache2 177941 apache2-doc: cgi doc is missing this ! mods-enable dir
apache2 178322 Make SSL cert generation use debconf?
apache2 178431 apache2-mpm-prefork: please make NO_START variable more prominent
apache2 179598 apache2-common: Unnecessary libssl0.9.7 dependency
apache2 182770 please distribute mod_ext_filter built-in or as module
apache2 199454 apache2-common: missing deb.gif icon
apache2 231134 Wish: Dummy LoadModule directive in apache2.conf to ease module installations through apxs (e.g. PHP5)
apache2 234955 Apache2-common depencies inadequate
apache2 235029 apache2-common: shouldn´t /etc/vhosts be removed?
apache2 241579 wishlist: environment variables
apache2 252918 First line of description confusing
apache2 257228 apache2: FTBFS on kfreebsd-i386/sid; needs update config.{sub,guess}, new libtool
apache2 261820 apache2: please compile ab2 with SSL support
apache2 263101 FTBFS on GNU/k*BSD (config.* update)
apache2 263515 apache2-common: Should offer dummy /etc/default/apache2
apache2 269251 create a2ensite/a2dissite
apache2 273929 a2{en,dis}mod system needs a way to track dependencies
apache2 276670 apache2-common: /usr/share/apache2/build/envvars should be a symlink to /etc/apache2/envvars
apache2 282606 apache2: link Apache with external PCRE
apache2 283396 No need to build conflict on gawk (please move to source)
apache2 285219 apache2-common - please split htpasswd2 into extra package
apache2 290814 apache2-mpm-prefork: Add split-logfile
apache2 307921 apache2-prefork-dev: should mention apxs in package description
apache2 341460 apache2: can't serve big files
apache2 344072 apache2: Apache 2.2 has been released
apache2 368497 grep complains about empty mods-enabled directory within apache2 init script
apt-proxy 330202 INTL [l10n:pt_PT] Portuguese translation for apt-proxy
apt-proxy 331515 apt-proxy: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
apt-proxy 336384 Catalan debconf templates translation
b2evolution 380676 [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation for b2evolution (debconf)
b2evolution 382215 [l10n] Czech translation for b2evolution
bsdmainutils 288472 bsdmainutils: [cal] formats the Finnish calendar erroneously
bsdmainutils 357894 bsdmainutils: [calendar] correction
dbconfig-common 373188 dbconfig-common: please provide a way to prompt for settings without doing any setup
dbconfig-common 382969 [INTL:es] Dbconfig-common: Updated spanish debconf translation
festival-te 357307 ITP: festival-te -- festival-te package provides the modules required to synthesize speech in telugu language using festival tts synthesizer.
festival-te 357310 ITP: festvox-te-nsk -- Speaker for Telugu Festival. Consists of voice definition and speech database.
gallery 383202 gallery: Gallery 1.5.4 released
gtk-qt-engine 378892 new upstream version available
powermgmt-base 374309 Please remove deprecated devfs files
rootskel 365203 rootskel: Please support the ppc64 architecture
sqlite3 352317 /usr/bin/sqlite3: New upstream version 3.3.4
user-mode-linux 382295 user-mode-linux: Enable CONFIG_IP_VS
uudeview 166077 uudeview: no filename is printed when a SUSPICIOUS warning occurs
zsh-beta 383115 zsh-beta: Would like completion for 'baz switch' command
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