Hernan Olivera lholivera at gmail.com
Mon Oct 5 21:00:53 BST 2009

2009/10/5 Miguel Sajnovsky <miguel.sajnovsky at ubuntu.com>:
>> By the way, sí esta basado en Ubuntu:
>> Linux Mint is one of the surprise packages of the past year.
>> Originally launched as a variant of Ubuntu with integrated media
>> codecs, it has now developed into one of the most user-friendly
>> distributions on the market - complete with a custom desktop and
>> menus, several unique configuration tools, a web-based package
>> installation interface, and a number of different editions.
>> (...)
>>    * It is compatible with and uses Ubuntu repositories. This gives
>> Linux Mint users access to a huge collection of packages and software.
>> De: http://www.linuxmint.com/about.php
>> --
>> Hernan Olivera
> Hernan, lo que Lucas te dice es que Mint no es parte del proyecto Ubuntu,
> seria algo asi como que Mint es a Ubuntu, lo que Ubuntu a Debian (no
> exactamente, pero cerca)

Si, está claro. La cita original al mint era justamente porque alguien
hablama de hacer una derivacion de ubuntu de estas caracteristicas. No
estaba errado.

Hernan Olivera

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