My application is still Pending review

John Pugh john.pugh at
Thu Nov 1 19:49:57 UTC 2012

On 11/01/2012 03:06 PM, Alan Bell wrote:
> yeah, that isn't great, but most of these applications have comments on
> and are awaiting the author's action (from my brief random sampling)
>> But, I'm sure the folks at Canonical are well aware of that, and I
>> hope that they can rectify it in a timely fashion. There are a lot of
>> other folks who were part of the Ubuntu app showdown a few months
>> back, and they haven't been published yet either.

I am thinking there is a process issue here...if it is awaiting
developer feedback, the application needs to be in the "Needs
Information" queue vs in the Review Pending queue. I imagine that
reviewers are simply providing feedback vs using the queue system to
manage applications.

If the queue system was utilized better the application should be
rejected after no activity for xx weeks, in my opinion.

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