Status “Review in progress” since one month and one week for my Open Source App Interest Calculation

David Planella david.planella at
Wed Aug 22 07:25:05 UTC 2012

Al 21/08/12 21:51, En/na ha escrit:
> What can I do, to get my app "Interest Calculation" in the Ubuntu
> Software Center?
> Here is the Link to my application:

Hi Marian,

Sorry for the delay in processing your app. There has been a ton of
submissions for the app showdown contest, and reviewers are still going
through the queue of submissions, which takes a considerable amount of
work. In any case, that does not stop your app from taking part in the
Community Vote (as it did not stop it from being part of the Jury Vote,
now closed).

Looking at an initial review [1], it seems your packaging contains an
invalid description.

This is due to the fact that the `description` and `long_description`
variables, where the packaging fields are taken from, are commented out [2].

Could you please uncomment and fill in those variables with the
description of your app and upload the corrected version to your PPA?
(`quickly submitubuntu` should do it)

> And here is the corresponding link to my question from
> which is more detailed:

The question was already answered and is unrelated to the state of
review of your app. As mentioned there, it was due to a bug in MyApps,
but reviewers (and judges) did pick up the correct PPA to test your app.



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