Fwd: [uds-announce] App developer resources card sort

David Planella david.planella at ubuntu.com
Tue Nov 1 13:05:40 UTC 2011

Hi all,

Forwarding John's e-mail for anyone interested in shaping up the new
resources section on developer.ubuntu.com.

-------- Missatge original --------
Assumpte: [uds-announce] App developer resources card sort
Data: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 11:50:19 -0400
De: John Oxton <john.oxton at canonical.com>
A: uds-announce at lists.ubuntu.com

Hi all,
As part of the ongoing work with developer.ubuntu.com we are looking at
ways we can best organise the content in the resources section

I am running a card sorting session tomorrow (in a hallway somewhere)
and am looking for the app developers amongst you who might be
interested in helping work this out.

If you are interested in taking part, please let me know and I will send
you a few questions to answer before hand.


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