Software Centre - Policy

Mario Kemper mario.kemper at
Fri Dec 9 01:22:39 UTC 2011

Hi Allison,

thank you very much for your explanation.
> We're working hard to make that website friendly for new developers,
> because we would like to attract more developers to Linux. But it's
> not
> a replacement for the Debian or Ubuntu archives. Think of it more as a
> training ground for new developers. We help new developers out with
> the
> first steps of packaging their app, or even making a release if they
> haven't done that before. 

The Ubuntu Software Centre looks similar to other popular App-Stores
(Android, iOS et cetera). Hence, users will expect it to behave like
those App-Stores, e.g. to automatically receive the latest version of an
application that is available through the Ubuntu Software Centre. 

Obviously this is not the case for applications that are available in
the official repos. But, developers that are offering software
*exclusively* through the Software Centre are able to offer up-to-date
versions whenever they want. This sounds like a disadvantage for me. Am
I wrong?

Additionally, please add support for donations to the Software Centre (I
know it is already on the list). Currently it is easy for developers (of
proprietary software) to sell an application but it is not possible to
donate to free software projects (they are not allowed to add a
*donation* version to the Software Centre).

> But, the best apps and the best developers
> we'll encourage to move on into Debian and Ubuntu. And, we'll help
> them
> out along the way, so they make good connections, have solid footing,
> and are able to continue maintaining their apps.

I remember the idea of "developer's success stories" that was mentioned
during UDS-O. Do we already have some of them, e.g. an application that
was moved from Software Centre-only into the official repos?

> If your app is in Debian or Ubuntu, it's already easily installable by
> millions of users around the world. It would be a huge *disadvantage*
> to
> remove that app from those users and start all over with a new
> process.
Sure. I don't want to remove my software.

> If you'd like help making contact with the Debian or Ubuntu packagers
> of
> an app, we can help you out. Or, if your app was abandoned (the
> packaging isn't being updated anymore), we can help you along the path
> to becoming the maintainer for your own packaging.
That would be great. My software (Shutter - a screenshot taking
application) is heavily out-of-date in Debian and a bit out-of-date in
Ubuntu. I would be glad to become responsible for my own package. Any
hints are welcome.

> The goal here is a positive experience for application developers.
> There's a lot more to it than that one piece of submitting an app
> through a web interface.
I do really like the work you (and all the others) have done so far.


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