monitor needed with ubuntu

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at
Tue Jan 12 17:58:39 UTC 2021

It will probably be helpful to study ubuntu boot parameters.  In those one 
may find something like --monitor=none or --monitor=dummy.  If available, 
a little configuration of grub and update of grub ought to solve this 

On Tue, 12 Jan 2021, Vojt?ch ?miro wrote:

> It might work. I use it without Monitor on tower and works fine. And on 
> Raspberry Pi too.
> Vojta.
> Daniel Crone wrote:
>>  I have a drive which I will use for mate.
>>  The machine is a tower.
>>  The image which will be used is mate 20.04.
>>  If that will not work, I will use an older version.
>>>  On Jan 12, 2021, at 8:24 AM, Vojt?ch ?miro <vsmiro at> wrote:
>>>  Hello,
>>>  on which device you install Ubuntu Mate? Have you Ubuntu Mate image? I
>>>  don't recommend you to install mate to Gnome version.
>>>  Best regards
>>>  Vojta.
>>>  Daniel Crone wrote:
>>>>  Which version of mate?
>>>>  Wen attempting installation with ubuntu mate 2004, it would lok up at a
>>>>  certain point.
>>>>  I remember I could not get past the language list.
>>>>>  On Jan 12, 2021, at 6:42 AM, Vojt?ch ?miro <vsmiro at> wrote:
>>>>>  Hello,
>>>>>  that's problem of Gnome, not Ubuntu itself. If you install Ubuntu Mate,
>>>>>  you don't need monitor. I don't know why it is, but I've read on
>>>>>  Raspberry VI list, there is some adapter, what you plug to your HDMI
>>>>>  port and into it 3,5 mm jack and after that, system will think you have
>>>>>  monitor and all will be without problem.
>>>>>  Vojta.
>>>>>  Dne 12. 01. 21 v 3:18 Daniel Crone napsal(a):
>>>>>>  For what reason will the modern ubuntu and other distributions not run
>>>>>>  properly without a monitor?
>>>>>>  Is there a way to change this?
>>>>>>  What is interesting is some distros will run without a monitor.
>>>>>  --
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