Ubuntu Mate on Raspberry Pi

Glenn K0LNY glennervin at cableone.net
Mon Aug 17 16:46:37 UTC 2020

Yeah, I was hoping Paval's steps would work for me too, but they didn't.
Those are the right type of steps we need, but perhaps a bit more precise.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Vojtěch šmiro" <vsmiro at seznam.cz>
To: <ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2020 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: Ubuntu Mate on Raspberry Pi

Hello Pavel,

We've tested it with Libor. But we made mistake, we set Orca on but it
makes strange noises. And we made by your tutorial, but system not
restart after pressing enter many times after user options. But good
news, we had login sound. Please, how can we do now?


Best regards


P. S. How can we switch pulse to libao?

Pavel Vlček napsal(a):
> Hi,
> yes it is possible, but you need to do 2 steps.
> Edit the config.txt in the boot partition and add:
> dtparam=audio=on
> hdmi_force_hotplug=1
> hdmi_drive=2
> dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d
> After that, you can boot, but you will need an assistance to set up
> your account, or:
> press enter 3 or 4 times.
> Enter your full name,
> tab twice and enter your user name
> tab enter password
> tab enter it again
> press enter
> after 10 secs press it again
> and again
> and again until Raspberry restarts.
> After restart, you can login as usual by entering your password, the
> system will use English language and English keyboard.
> Pavel
> Dne 09.08.2020 v 12:47 Vojtěch šmiro napsal(a):
>> Hello,
>> has someone experiences with installation of Ubuntu Mate to Raspberry
>> Pi? I have Raspberry Pi 4B 4 GB of rAM and no monitor.
>> Is some way to install Ubuntu Mate to Raspberry Pi without plugged
>> monitor? Don't worry, I have braille display, so I can work blindly.
>> thanks.
>> Best regards
>> Vojta.

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