Ubuntu mate 17.10 mate addition and unable to read the menus.

matthew dyer ilovecountrymusic483 at outlook.com
Sat Mar 10 22:09:00 UTC 2018

Evening all.

Running ubuntu mate 17.10 orca 3.26, and mate 1.18.  The mate menus are 
silent.  Pressing ault f1 gives no speach.  If I launch ing the terminal 
is fine.  I tried the following command with no resault.  gsettings set 
org.mate.interface accessibility true. This was after I did a clean 
install and updated all packages.  If anyone else has any ideas on how 
to fix this please let me know. I filed a bug on this one but wanted to 
see if anyone else has had this problem.  I am running in a vm if this 



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