Alt+ Super+S Not working on Most Versions of Live CD

Rob Whyte fudge at
Fri Nov 4 19:49:57 UTC 2016

I confirm that the key combination does work in 16.04 and 16.10.

Are you using   the command as you write it with the ALT key first?

As at times the order does matter.

I would like to suggest waiting for the drum sounds as you have done,
and try some different variations of speed and ever so slightly longer
push of the keys as I have noticed that over the years too.

Good luck


On 05/11/16 02:08, Al Puzzuoli wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm finding that I am unable to  start Orca on most versions of the
> Ubuntu Live CD. After I hear the Tom Tom sound, I press alt+super+S,
> and nothing happens. This has been the case on almost all versions of
> the live CD I have tried, except for Ubuntu Mate 16.10. I've tried
> Regular Ubuntu 16.10, Regular Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu Gnome 16.04, all of
> which have had the same issue. I also just tried several flavors of
> the Zesty live CD, and experienced the same problem. Questions:
> Is this a known issue? If not, should I file a bug? If I do need to
> file a bug, where should I file it? The issue doesn't seem to be
> limited to any  single release. Meanwhile, are there any workarounds I
> can use to get the screen reader going for now?
> Thanks,
> Al

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