lite versions of ubuntu

B. Henry burt1iband at
Wed Aug 13 19:55:04 UTC 2014

Can't help with only this to go on, but sounds like either a bad burn of the CD or USB-media, dirty disk drive or disk, 
really hard to say with out something much more specific than what you said, but if it's not working check the image 
download with the md5 sum, check the disk, make sure drive is clean.

On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 02:13:42PM -0400, chad baker wrote:

> hi when i installed 14.04.1 during the install speech was repeating itself it would say something screen reader screen reader over and over again then quit i tried relaunching it with no luck
> On Aug 13, 2014, at 2:05 PM, B. Henry <burt1iband at> wrote:
> > You have enough with the system you mention to run normal ubuntu more or less well if you do not multitask much, but 
> > Ubuntu gnome should be a bit lighter on memory usage, and do better with accessibility in some areas.
> > You will have to configure things a bit using any other desktop, but this can be done. 
> > XFCE will not be 100% accessible, but you can use your apps fine, the main men's accessible, and there's a lot to like 
> > about this desktop.
> > You can install Mate, XFCE and other desktops on a standard Ubuntu, or Ubuntu-gnome system, and switch between desktops on 
> > the log-on scree.Vinux wiki for some inforemation on Mate. 
> > It should work nicely on 14.04 as the 1.8 packages are available.
> > I've run Fluxbox, Mate, and Unity all on the same Ubuntu or Vinux installation, and Have XFCE, Mate and  Fluxbox 
> > installed side by side here on Arch.
> > I had a pretty good experience with the 14.04 version of Ubuntu-gnome on this netbook which only has one gig of ram,and a 
> > slower processor than the machine you are using.
> > --
> > B.H.
> > 
> > 
> > See my article on the 
> > On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 01:53:19PM -0400, chad baker wrote:
> >> hi i just tried ubuntu 14.04.1 and it don’t like my system it has 2 gb of ram and a 2.26 ghz processor i did try xubuntu 
> >> but no orca
> >> 
> >> 
> >> -- 
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> >>

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