dreams and schemes

Kyle kyle4jesus at gmail.com
Sun Nov 3 23:29:51 UTC 2013

According to Gabe Vega:
# Linux Accessability is not viable simply because
# people are Wishy Washie, it has nothing to do with money.

With an attitude like that, it's no wonder at all why you have trouble
finding people who want to work for you. YOu have made it crystal clear
that you think blind people just don't want to work, but I would submit
that with an attitude like that, most people would rather work for
someone who doesn't share your negative views. BTW, I have quite a bit
of trouble with your acessment that Linux accessibility is not viable,
but yet you say you hire people who work with Linux accessibility. I
have found Linux to be quite viable, both from an
accessibility/usability standpoint when related to use of screen readers
and other assistive technologies and from an overall usability
standpoint as related to average users just sitting down in front of a
Linux computer and getting things done. As a matter of fact, I have used
Linux exclusively for nearly 5 years, and have used it more than 75% of
the time for the 5 years before that, and I absolutely refuse to look
back, even so far as to run Windows or MacOS in a virtual machine. There
is just nothing I find that I miss from the days of running Windows that
much, and everything I need to do on a computer can be done on any Linux
operating system, and I don't have to be a sit at home all day geek, as
you so eloquently put it, in order to do those things. Furthermore, I
recently showed someone with little to no computer knowledge at all how
to plug in a thumb drive running Linux and use it to get on the internet
to look for jobs, read e-mail and much more, and I didn't have to take a
lot of time doing it. Granted, he didn't need a screen reader, but my
point is that he learned how to use Linux, and he had no computer skills
to speak of. Linux is viable. Linux accessibility is viable. Linux is
freedom, and Linux freedom is practical and useful.

In a later post to this thread, you posted a BTW with a link to your job
site. Well, I'm not sure about anyone else, but although I do want to
work, and although I do want to make a living supporting Linux and
building computers with Linux on them, both talking and non-talking for
*anyone* who needs one, I feel that with the attitudes you present in
this thread, I would much rather work for someone else or simply do
business for myself. I leave you with this question. Why would I want to
work for you with regard to Linux or Linux accessibility when it would
seem from where I'm sitting that you as a potential imployer don't take
it seriously? My skills are put to better use for a person or company
who does take Linux seriously, as I could tell you nothing about the
state of proprietary operating systems and screen readers today, and
don't want to have to learn/relearn such crap.
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

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