[orca-list] Subscribing to the Vinux support list [was "Re: VINUX-SUPPORT: RE: Ubuntu Unity Desktop to go to Mir and QT"]
Christopher Chaltain
chaltain at gmail.com
Sun Jul 28 21:00:19 UTC 2013
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On 07/28/2013 08:43 AM, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:
> Hi,
> On vendredi 26 juil. 2013 à 13:22:47 (-0500), Christopher Chaltain wrote:
>> If you're trying to subscribe to the Vinux support list, try sending
>> a blank email message to vinux-support+subscribe at googlegroups.com
> Thanks, it works. However, all the messages I send now to vinux-support at googlegroups.com don't arrive. Not error but
> not feedback (I don't receive my own messages and answers).
> I subscribe a free.fr address.
> •egards,
>> On 07/26/2013 08:08 AM, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Ok, but I cannot subscribe on vinux-list. The only access point I find is
>>> a javascript interface and I've not a suitable browser. So how can I subscribe?
>>> Anyway, as you say, personally, I've my current am]iers about Vinux and I'll test next week.
>>> Regards,
>>> On vendredi 26 juil. 2013 à 13:23:50 (+1000), Rob Whyte wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I think this thread can be closed now.
>>>> It has generated a lot of back and fourth and I think we all get the point.
>>>> If parties involved would like to continue off lists that would be
>>>> preferable.
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Rob Whyte
>>>> On 24/07/13 07:31, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
>>>>> I do not work for Canonical, and my statements on this or any list
>>>>> have never been anything other than my own opinions. I don't know any
>>>>> more, and never have, about the plans for Unity accessibility than
>>>>> anyone else following the Ubuntu blueprints, subscribing to the Ubuntu
>>>>> accessibility mailing list, logging into the Ubuntu accessibility IRC
>>>>> channel and attending the accessibility related sessions at UDS. This
>>>>> is how I know the decision to focus accessibility resources on the LTS
>>>>> releases was a very open and transparent decision. It was also not an
>>>>> easy decision to make. I don't personally know at the moment what the
>>>>> plans are now for the accessibility of Unity and Ubuntu 14.04, but I
>>>>> assume they haven't changed and this is still the goal.
>>>>> I don't think I'm quick to defend Ubuntu or Unity when anyone speaks
>>>>> out against it, since there isn't enough time in the world for one
>>>>> person to do this. I do try to point out though when someone misstates
>>>>> something or says something that can lead to an incorrect inference. I
>>>>> don't just do this for Ubuntu but other OS's, screen readers,
>>>>> applications and products where I have some knowledge and experience.
>>>>> The fact of the matter is that you stated the decision to focus
>>>>> accessibility resources on 14.04 was to "sooth our ruffled feathers".
>>>>> Of course, you have the right to your opinion, and you can be as
>>>>> snarky as you want (although I don't know what this has to do with
>>>>> what country your from) but as I read this, it implies that the
>>>>> developers made this statement to get blind users off their back. I
>>>>> can assure you, since I was in the room when this was discussed and
>>>>> this decision was made, that this was not the case. The fact of the
>>>>> matter, is that it was considered to be the best way to leverage the
>>>>> precious accessibility resources working on Ubuntu, and it was just as
>>>>> simple as that. There were no ulterior motives, and there was no
>>>>> discussion whatsoever on spin or damage control. I understand you
>>>>> think this may be hair splitting, but I think it's important that
>>>>> people reading your message understand that the accessibility
>>>>> developers working on Unity aren't doing anything but being completely
>>>>> honest and open with the blind Ubuntu/Unity users. I am quick to
>>>>> defend those developers who are working so hard, many of them giving
>>>> >from their own spare time, to bring us more accessible solutions.
>>>>> BTW, we weren't told this was the way it was going to be. The proposal
>>>>> was laid out at a session at UDS to be discussed. Anyone could have
>>>>> attended that session, either in person or via IRC or telephone, and
>>>>> participated in the discussion. Since resources are so limited, I'm
>>>>> not sure what other conclusion could have been made though.
>>>>> BTW, given previous emails from you, I assumed this wasn't intended to
>>>>> be inflammatory, but I thought the above inference could be made which
>>>>> is why I replied as I did. If I'm the only one who made such an
>>>>> inference then that's great.
>>>>> On 07/23/2013 03:41 PM, Alex Midence wrote:
>>>>>> Placated? No, we weren't placated. We were told that's how it was
>>>>>> going to
>>>>>> be and we could suck it up til 14.04. I heard you work for
>>>>>> Cannonical which
>>>>>> makes sense since you are extremely quick to defend Ubuntu any time
>>>>>> anyone
>>>>>> speaks against it. If this is the case, would you very kindly answer
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> million dollar question which was the entire point of my prior message:
>>>>>> Will 14.04 be accessible now that it's going to be qt-based or not?
>>>>>> If not,
>>>>>> when do you anticipate an accessible port of Unity?
>>>>>> Oh, and just so you know, my message wasn't trying to be
>>>>>> inflammatory. I
>>>>>> *was* being a bit snarky but, I happen to live in a free country
>>>>>> where such
>>>>>> things are allowed. I was far more concerned with whether or not I
>>>>>> should
>>>>>> project trying to come back to Ubuntu in April of next year or not. You
>>>>>> see, I happen to be that very odd thing called a fan. I follow them on
>>>>>> Twitter, I like them on facebook, I read about them online and I have
>>>>>> even
>>>>>> hauled off and told my friends about them as a nice way to learn about
>>>>>> Linux. So quit hair splitting and answer the question if you can,
>>>>>> please.
>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>> Alex M
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: orca-list [mailto:orca-list-bounces at gnome.org] On Behalf Of
>>>>>> Christopher Chaltain
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 2:58 PM
>>>>>> To: Ubuntu Accessibility Mailing List
>>>>>> Cc: vinux-support at googlegroups.com; orca-list at gnome.org
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [orca-list] Ubuntu Unity Desktop to go to Mir and QT
>>>>>> Unity 2D was pulled from Ubuntu 12.10 and not Ubuntu 12.04. The plan to
>>>>>> focus accessibility efforts in Ubuntu on the LTS releases was meant to
>>>>>> provide the best accessibility solution with the resources available.
>>>>>> This was a transparent decision made with the best information at the
>>>>>> time.
>>>>>> Obviously, desktop plans have changed since then. This was not a
>>>>>> statement
>>>>>> or move just to placate blind Ubuntu users as your message implies.
>>>>>> On 07/23/2013 01:23 PM, Alex Midence wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi, all,
>>>>>>> It looks like Ubuntu's Unity desktop will be switching to QT/QML in
>>>>>>> the near future. It looks like they'll be using QT5. Does anyone
>>>>>>> know the current state of accessibility for qt5 or QML? We were all
>>>>>>> disappointed to find out that Unity 2d was discontinued in Ubuntu
>>>>>>> 12.04 and it is believed that Ubuntu 14.04 would continue it's
>>>>>>> wonderfully accessible legacy. This was supposed to soothe our
>>>>>>> ruffled feathers when 12.10 and
>>>>>>> 13.04 came out with Unity 3d only which was not as accessible. Well,
>>>>>>> now, I am curious to know if the timetable for that level of
>>>>>>> accessibility in a Ubuntu desktop will need to be pushed back even
>>>>>>> more in light of this development. Please see link below:
>>>>>>> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/03/unity-next-project-announced
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Alex M
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Christopher (CJ)
>>>>>> chaltain at Gmail
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>> --
>> Christopher (CJ)
>> chaltain at Gmail
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>> orca-list at gnome.org
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Christopher (CJ)
chaltain at Gmail
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