VINUX-SUPPORT: RE: [orca-list] [Kde-accessibility] Ubuntu Unity Desktop to go to Mir and QT
Krishnakant Mane
krmane at
Wed Jul 24 13:50:20 UTC 2013
yeah, I had tryed as well and had the same problem.
I think there could be some more things to test and if they are not
fundamentally broke, then we are in for a happy surprise.
I would be interested to see how Firefox works under this infra
structure and how libre office works as well.
Personally, I use Eclipse so that's another thing to watch out.
happy hacking.
On 07/24/2013 07:17 PM, Alex Midence wrote:
> Very true. The thing that I want to test is editable text areas in QT.
> That was the biggest problem I saw last year when I was trying out KDE. If
> you were in Kate or Kmail and there was some text you wanted to put in
> either because you were editing a file or filling out a form of some kind,
> Orca couldn't read it back to you. If it was a field you were filling in,
> you could tab away and backtab back to it and Orca would speak its contents
> but, individual character by character or word by word navigation was not
> possible at the time. I hope that's gotten better since then. I haven't
> looked at it since May or June of last year, I think. It is a very
> important piece of the puzzle.
> Alex M
> From: Krishnakant Mane [mailto:krmane at]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 8:42 AM
> To: Alex Midence
> Cc: 'Frederik Gladhorn'; kde-accessibility at;
> vinux-support at; 'Ubuntu Accessibility Mailing List';
> orca-list at
> Subject: Re: [orca-list] [Kde-accessibility] Ubuntu Unity Desktop to go to
> Mir and QT
> This essentially means we must try things pretty early on and start
> reporting bugs agressively.
> happy hacking.
> Krishnakant.
> On 07/24/2013 06:37 PM, Alex Midence wrote:
> Wonderful news! I certainly feel better for it. Thanks for all your hard
> work on qt-at-spi.
> Alex M
> From: Frederik Gladhorn [mailto:frederik at]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 3:21 AM
> To: kde-accessibility at
> Cc: Alex Midence; orca-list at; vinux-support at;
> Ubuntu Accessibility Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [Kde-accessibility] Ubuntu Unity Desktop to go to Mir and QT
> Hello,
> On Tuesday 23. July 2013 13.23.47 Alex Midence wrote:
> Hi, all,
> It looks like Ubuntu's Unity desktop will be switching to QT/QML in the
> near
> future. It looks like they'll be using QT5. Does anyone know the current
> state of accessibility for qt5 or QML? We were all disappointed to find
> out that Unity 2d was discontinued in Ubuntu 12.04 and it is believed that
> Ubuntu 14.04 would continue it's wonderfully accessible legacy. This was
> supposed to soothe our ruffled feathers when 12.10 and 13.04 came out with
> Unity 3d only which was not as accessible. Well, now, I am curious to know
> if the timetable for that level of accessibility in a Ubuntu desktop will
> need to be pushed back even more in light of this development. Please see
> link below:
> Qt 5 contains all the accessibility code that was used for Qt 4, including
> the plugin qt-at-spi which will then no longer be needed. Many things have
> also been improved since we learned from finally making Qt 4 accessible.
> All in all this means that the Qt 5 based Unity should be able to reach the
> level of the old Unity and hopefully exceed it. Of course that's still up to
> the Unity developers and probably a fix here or there in Qt, but generally I
> would expect things to look good.
> Greetings
> Frederik
> Regards,
> Alex M
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