[orca-list] Ubuntu Unity Desktop to go to Mir and QT
Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
texou at actux.eu.org
Tue Jul 23 20:22:55 UTC 2013
For the unity iN Vinux 13.4, how do you do to shut down the computer? I found
with gnome, but not with Unity.
Moreover, on gnome-shell, is there some doc about accessibility and using it
with the keyboard with news (Start key, Tab key, etc.)?
On mardi 23 juil. 2013 à 14:58:01 (-0500), Christopher Chaltain wrote:
> Unity 2D was pulled from Ubuntu 12.10 and not Ubuntu 12.04. The plan
> to focus accessibility efforts in Ubuntu on the LTS releases was
> meant to provide the best accessibility solution with the resources
> available. This was a transparent decision made with the best
> information at the time. Obviously, desktop plans have changed since
> then. This was not a statement or move just to placate blind Ubuntu
> users as your message implies.
> On 07/23/2013 01:23 PM, Alex Midence wrote:
> >Hi, all,
> >
> >It looks like Ubuntu?s Unity desktop will be switching to QT/QML in the
> >near future. It looks like they?ll be using QT5. Does anyone know the
> >current state of accessibility for qt5 or QML? We were all disappointed
> >to find out that Unity 2d was discontinued in Ubuntu 12.04 and it is
> >believed that Ubuntu 14.04 would continue it?s wonderfully accessible
> >legacy. This was supposed to soothe our ruffled feathers when 12.10 and
> >13.04 came out with Unity 3d only which was not as accessible. Well,
> >now, I am curious to know if the timetable for that level of
> >accessibility in a Ubuntu desktop will need to be pushed back even more
> >in light of this development. Please see link below:
> >
> >http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/03/unity-next-project-announced
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Alex M
> >
> >
> >
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> --
> Christopher (CJ)
> chaltain at Gmail
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