[orca-list] any review for Orca with Ubuntu precise beta 2

Krishnakant Mane krmane at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 16:43:05 UTC 2012

This is quite possible and I really hope it is the case.
As a matter of fact, all things were so well that I can hardly believe 
that it could be broken.
'But yes, there is a lot of hast during the final beta release, because 
after this one, we will just have the Rc before the final version.
So hope things will get better.
We have a very dedicated Luke who has almost always got things right 
when it came to Ubuntu.
Happy hacking.

On 30/03/12 21:33, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
> Remember this is still a beta. I'm not familiar with the Ubuntu
> development team or community, but if it's similar to other development
> projects I've been involved with, there's probably a big push to get
> things fixed and addressed right up until beta 2 is released, so there
> will be an initial up tick in bugs. This isn't accessibility related but
> just naturally what happens when any significant amount of code is
> changed. Now we need to ensure issues are reported, bugs are opened and
> these issues get addressed before Ubuntu 12.04 is released.
> On 30/03/12 10:38, Krishnakant Mane wrote:
>> This is very serious and I think Canonical is really letting us down.
>> It seems they are not as serious about accessibility as they used to be.
>> I won't download the beta2 in this case.
>> Actually I am in some rural part of India and bandwidth is not good
>> enough for downloading the ISO.
>> That's why I asked for the review and if this is what it comes to then I
>> think I and many others will have to give up Ubuntu unless these crutial
>> things are taken care of.
>> I guess many blind users had infact liked Unity2d and were prepared to
>> shift.
>> But if accessibility is really broken to this extent then I wonder what
>> to expect.
>> I have a daily build of Ubuntu 12.04 on a pen drive and it really works
>> so well that I was hoping to use a very accessible desktop from this
>> summer.
>> Hope this is taken care of soon before the release.
>> It gives me a feeling that this is a very trivial issue for the
>> developers of Unity to solve, because it was all working perfectly just
>> a few days back.
>> Happy hacking.
>> Krishnakant.
>> On 30/03/12 20:32, Dave Hunt wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I tried the Precise beta 2, and could not get the thing to use
>>> Unity-2d. When I boot the thing, the login prompt drums never sound,
>>> and I never hear the music one is supposed to hear on the Gnome
>>> session start.  I can start orca manually.  Once I have orca running,
>>> I discover that the 'alt-f1' keystroke is silent, and there is no
>>> apparent navigation in the launcher.  A press of 'alt-tab' is also
>>> silent.  Focus does switch apps, but there is no way to know until I
>>> release the keys, and, even then, orca may get confused or go silent.
>>> The 'alt-f2' keyboard shortcut for 'show run dialogue' is disabled, as
>>> shown in the gnome-control-center 'keyboard' page.  I think a press of
>>> 'alt+f2' actually puts focus in the heads-up display, and my typing
>>> 'orca' into the search area just happened to start the app. Enabling
>>> the 'run' dialogue, in keyboard shortcuts, does not help.  So, I
>>> opened  terminal on my flash drive session, and edited
>>> '/var/lib/AccountsService/users/ubuntu' and
>>> '/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf', changing 'ubuntu' to 'ubuntu-2d', as I
>>> could do on an installed system, and tried a reboot.  This results in
>>> a system that will not boot.  True to form, for Canonical, they broke
>>> accessibility for this up-coming release.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dave
>>> On Fri, 30 Mar 2012, Krishnakant Mane wrote:
>>>> Has any one tryed the latest Ubuntu precise beta2?
>>>> I remember that people had reported Unity 2d having issues with Orca
>>>> not reading out the menus with alt + f1 and the launcher?
>>>> Is it a reality, did somme one manage to reproduce the issue?
>>>> if yes, what is the current status?
>>>> Happy hacking.
>>>> Krishnakant.
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