[orca-list] any review for Orca with Ubuntu precise beta 2

Christopher Chaltain chaltain at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 16:03:06 UTC 2012

Remember this is still a beta. I'm not familiar with the Ubuntu
development team or community, but if it's similar to other development
projects I've been involved with, there's probably a big push to get
things fixed and addressed right up until beta 2 is released, so there
will be an initial up tick in bugs. This isn't accessibility related but
just naturally what happens when any significant amount of code is
changed. Now we need to ensure issues are reported, bugs are opened and
these issues get addressed before Ubuntu 12.04 is released.

On 30/03/12 10:38, Krishnakant Mane wrote:
> This is very serious and I think Canonical is really letting us down.
> It seems they are not as serious about accessibility as they used to be.
> I won't download the beta2 in this case.
> Actually I am in some rural part of India and bandwidth is not good
> enough for downloading the ISO.
> That's why I asked for the review and if this is what it comes to then I
> think I and many others will have to give up Ubuntu unless these crutial
> things are taken care of.
> I guess many blind users had infact liked Unity2d and were prepared to
> shift.
> But if accessibility is really broken to this extent then I wonder what
> to expect.
> I have a daily build of Ubuntu 12.04 on a pen drive and it really works
> so well that I was hoping to use a very accessible desktop from this
> summer.
> Hope this is taken care of soon before the release.
> It gives me a feeling that this is a very trivial issue for the
> developers of Unity to solve, because it was all working perfectly just
> a few days back.
> Happy hacking.
> Krishnakant.
> On 30/03/12 20:32, Dave Hunt wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I tried the Precise beta 2, and could not get the thing to use
>> Unity-2d. When I boot the thing, the login prompt drums never sound,
>> and I never hear the music one is supposed to hear on the Gnome
>> session start.  I can start orca manually.  Once I have orca running,
>> I discover that the 'alt-f1' keystroke is silent, and there is no
>> apparent navigation in the launcher.  A press of 'alt-tab' is also
>> silent.  Focus does switch apps, but there is no way to know until I
>> release the keys, and, even then, orca may get confused or go silent. 
>> The 'alt-f2' keyboard shortcut for 'show run dialogue' is disabled, as
>> shown in the gnome-control-center 'keyboard' page.  I think a press of
>> 'alt+f2' actually puts focus in the heads-up display, and my typing
>> 'orca' into the search area just happened to start the app. Enabling
>> the 'run' dialogue, in keyboard shortcuts, does not help.  So, I
>> opened  terminal on my flash drive session, and edited
>> '/var/lib/AccountsService/users/ubuntu' and
>> '/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf', changing 'ubuntu' to 'ubuntu-2d', as I
>> could do on an installed system, and tried a reboot.  This results in
>> a system that will not boot.  True to form, for Canonical, they broke
>> accessibility for this up-coming release.
>> Cheers,
>> Dave
>> On Fri, 30 Mar 2012, Krishnakant Mane wrote:
>>> Has any one tryed the latest Ubuntu precise beta2?
>>> I remember that people had reported Unity 2d having issues with Orca
>>> not reading out the menus with alt + f1 and the launcher?
>>> Is it a reality, did somme one manage to reproduce the issue?
>>> if yes, what is the current status?
>>> Happy hacking.
>>> Krishnakant.
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Christopher (CJ)
chaltain at gmail.com

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