In Ubiquity installer GTK frontend some radiobutton a11y labels doesn't spokening always translated output

Bohdan R. Rau ethanak at
Sat Apr 28 08:55:20 UTC 2012

 On Sat, 28 Apr 2012 07:25:57 +0200, Hammer Attila wrote:
> I tryed now switch french language during installation, and
> partitioner mode screen happened similar issues.

 I installed 12.04 yesterday on virtualbox. On boot screen I selected 
 Polish language, screenreader and installation.
 Orca started with English language and English localization instead of 
 Polish, so I must manually switch synthesis language. Installer properly 
 started with Polish language preselected, but all messages was spoken in 
 mixed language - for example "Wstecz push button" ("wstecz" is Polish 

 May be there is problem?

-- - Pa pa, Ivonko!

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