ubuntu 12.04 daily - my impressions
José Vilmar Estácio de Souza
vilmar at informal.com.br
Wed Apr 18 09:14:45 UTC 2012
Related to your problem running gedit as sudo, try rename the file
/etc/sudoers.d/a11y-sudo to /etc/sudoers.d/a11y-sudo.bak.
On 04/18/2012 04:15 AM, Vojtěch Polášek wrote:
> Hi,
> Yesterday, I have successfully installed ubuntu 12.04 daily (probably
> version from April 17th.
> I am very satisfied with the way, in which the accessibility was done, I
> haven't encountered any glitches during installation, I used external
> harddrive, bootloader has been installed correctly. I am using "ubuntu
> 2D" session, I suppose this is Unity 2D. It seems fairly accessible to
> me, but I need some things to be clarified.
> I have encountered only one crash of unity 2D, and installed all
> available updates, even tried Skype and was able to read EULA and login
> screen without any problems. I have downloaded latest orca master
> (3.5.X), compiled and installed using checkinstall.
> I have tried firefox without any visible problems, gedit, totem, rhythm box.
> I have encountered these problems:
> 1. Orca has problems with tabs in windows like orca preferences. To
> reproduce:
> a) open orca preferences
> b) move with tab several controls forward
> c) using shift+tab move backward, untill you reach general tab.
> d) press left or right arrow - you will skip to some control, but the
> tab won't change.
> e) use tab to cycle through all controls and find general tab again.
> f) press arrow and now it works.
> Try this on any dialog with tabs.
> 2. I had some problems when setting up manual IPv4 configuration for my
> wireless network. When I typed IP address, i couldn't move to any other
> fields, I had to use flat rewiev to get out of it and finish my
> configuration.
> 3. I have a suspicion, that orca doesn't read refreshing text in gnome
> terminal - during installation of packages or whatever, but I don't have
> reliable way of reproducing it.
> 4. In Libreoffice, Orca reads always the previous line and then two
> times current line. However, when I changed verbosity for soffice to
> brief, it stopped. When I changed it back to verbose, it was normal as
> well, so for now I can't reproduce it.
> 5. This is not a bug but just warning - the shortcut for showing desktop
> has been changed after full upgrade to ctrl+super+d.
> 6. Whe I tried to run gedit as root in gnome terminal, it showed - no
> display could be found. Whats this?
> Now I would like you to help me to clarify some misunderstandings:
> 1. What are those dash, HUD, menu etc... I am confused.
> When I press Super key, i can search applications, files etc. good. Is
> there any way of dislpaying applications in categories like in gnome?
> When i press alt+F1, i have some menu with applications and there are
> mounted file systems shown towards the bottom of it.
> When I press alt+F2, it is something like run dialog, ok.
> When I press alt, HUD is not speaking.
> The menu using alt-f10 is working nicely.
> I am quite confused.
> 2. Should I try latest gnome (3.4) on this system? It is system for pure
> testing, so no problem. Is it worth trying?
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