ubuntu 12.04 daily - my impressions

Hammer Attila hammera at pickup.hu
Wed Apr 18 07:56:23 UTC 2012

Hy Vojtěch,

With you experienced Orca tabs related issues is a GTK3 bug, already 
reported but not fixed yet. Unfortunately now I not found the bugreport 
With Libreoffice related problems will be resolve I think the 
at-spi2-core package upgrade with upstream 2.4.1 release.
I using at-spi2-core 3.4.1 release in gnome-3-4 branch, and my machine 
Libreoffice works fine.

You wrote:
"Now I would like you to help me to clarify some misunderstandings:
1. What are those dash, HUD, menu etc... I am confused.
When I press Super key, i can search applications, files etc. good. Is
there any way of dislpaying applications in categories like in gnome?"
If you would like a similar experience with oldest GNOME interface, but 
not want replace Unity 2d environment, I suggest you try Classic Menu 
I not tested this indicator under Precise, hopefuly will be work.
Hud unfortunately realy silent in unity-2d 0.10.0-0ubuntu1 version, with 
oldest 0.8.0-0ubuntu1 version prewious works fine.
Already reopened following bug:


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