discovered that calc is not as good with orca during data entry

Hammer Attila hammera at
Wed Apr 11 14:16:30 UTC 2012

Hy Krisnakant,

This is a timing issue I think with at-spi2 and Orca related, some time 
Orca not loading right scripts for some apps with first start. This 
situation forexample not loaded right the Soffice script when you 
launched with the Libreoffice Calc application, and want handling the 
default Orca script the events.
The cell coordinates related problem is I think following bug, I 
reported earlier:

Have an another issue with Orca/Libreoffice Writer, this is a timing 
issue too I think:
Some time Orca all text caret movement spokening text field related 
tutorial message, this is following bug with not fixed yet:

I have got following experiences:
If I enabling the Libreoffice quick start function in Libreoffice 
preferences/memory page, this problems are doesn't happening my machine, 
and Libreoffice apps start more faster. If your machine have for example 
1 GB of ram, feel free use this possibility.
If you don't want this, for example calc try you uncheck the formula 
toolbar menu item in view menu. This change resulting you hopefuly will 
be hear cell coordinates, and doesn't presenting type text frame role 
when you typing the cells.
If this is not help with first Libreoffice Calc start, simple restart 
Orca, and cell coordinates are right spokened, my machine this is always 
resolve the calc related problem.

I tested now dinamic row header function, works good.
I simple fill the first row with wanted column headers, and pressed Orca 
modifier+r keystroke.
After this, I moving between cells the second row, and typed some 
contents. When I move the prewious or next cell, Orca right spokened the 
proper column header.
Possible you not working this function because when you tryed happened 
your machine this timing issue related bug.


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