Unity3D Oneiric ppa with extra a11y

Piñeiro apinheiro at igalia.com
Thu Sep 29 11:26:37 UTC 2011


during these days some people started to wonder about the accessibility
status of Unity3D on Oneiric, mainly about the interaction with Orca.

I have provided a ppa with a version of Unity3D with some extra a11y, so
people could start to test it:

The easiest way to add this to your repositories is the next one:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apinheiro/unity-extra-a11y

Some notes:
  * This release still includes one bug that avoid the proper use of the
dash with the keyboard:
  * If someone has a mouse, the nasty workaround is open the Dash and
then close it pressing with the mouse.
  * Hopefully, final Oneiric release will have a solution for this problem.
  * Final Oneiric release will be done during this week, I plan to
update the ppa with all that.
  * As I said, I was not fast enough to get this done before feature
freeze, so this are not going to be included on the final Oneiric
release, and this ppa will required for a while.

Finally, please forward this mail to any other group interested on this
ppa. Thanks.

Best regards

Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias

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