well I'm making progress ... sort of

Piñeiro apinheiro at igalia.com
Thu Sep 22 10:53:35 UTC 2011

On 09/22/2011 08:16 AM, Burt Henry wrote:
> please do, as long as it is out there, we can get the word out about
> your ppa. The only problem is the new blink-Ubuntu tester who has no
> clue about this list, the various specialty sub- distros like Vinux,
> F123, etc, and just assumes that the newest will be the best. (I
> probably won't be running 3d Unity till I get a new laptop, maybe for
> Penguin...lol...)

The last part of your sentence explains it really well "assumes that the
newest will be best". That schedule defined by Canonical was created for
a reason.  A collateral effect of those branches not being ready for the
feature-freeze is also that it those branches will not have that
beta-testing period. That schedule defined by Canonical was created for
a reason.  They define a feature freeze, in order to have a proper
stabilization process after it. People deserve a11y features properly
implemented, tested and stabilized.

If something is including on a Ubuntu release, means that was properly
implemented and tested. Take into account that in my original mail I
didn't say "so the people could use them", I said "so the people could
test it".

And said so, thanks for your interest.

> B.H.
> (happy Lucid and Maverick user who dabbles in to natty
> On 09/20/2011 10:43 AM, Piñeiro wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm the developer working on the accessibility support for Unity-3D.
>> Some comments below.
>> On 09/19/2011 10:40 PM, Guy Schlosser wrote:
>>> Guy
>>> P.S. When I am in unity 3d, I still do not have access to launcher or
>>> dash with Orca.
>> Odd, you should have access to the launcher. Launcher has a11y support
>> since Natty. Anyway, we had one bug last week:
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/851103
>> That broke all the accessibility on Unity. As it was solved last week,
>> probably it is not still on the oneiric packages.
>> About the rest of the views, I have some Unity-3D a11y branches on my
>> personal page:
>> https://code.launchpad.net/~apinheiro
>> They provide a11y support for the Dash and the Quicklist. And I'm also
>> working right now to provide a11y support for the alt+tab app switcher.
>> Unfortunately, I was not fast enough developing those branches, and if
>> you take a look to the Oneiric Release Schedule:
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule
>> we are already on feature freeze. And those branches adds a lot of files
>> and changes, so it would be really complex to be included on the final
>> Ubuntu Oneiric release.
>> My plan was provide a personal PPA (a Unity 3D version with those
>> branches included) so the people could test them and provide feeback.
>> Any other suggestion are welcome.
>> Best regards

Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias

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