Changing Desktop in Ubuntu 11.10

Hammer Attila hammera at
Mon Dec 12 09:54:25 UTC 2011

Hy Penelope,

Thank You the tip, I of course have Launchpad account.
If not a big request, can you possible doing this task?
Unfortunately I haven't got enough experiences yet with proper viki page 
documents related formattings sintax, and don't would like doing extra 
works with documentation correctors.

I will be reading the Wiki page related community documentation if I 
have more time, but now have lot of another works with I need finalizing 
before december 21th the company with I working.
This wiki page is a wonderful possibility to share all A11y related 
informations and workarounds.

I wrote a text with all I used modifications in GNOME3 fallback session, 
but possible need correcting my horrible english sentences with 
grammaticaly before you uploading this new article with proper wiki 
page, because my primary language is hungarian. :-):-)
If you would like, feel free to shortest the documentation.

Hopefuly this detailed text documentation help more users if would like 
using GNOME3 fallback session with a better A11y support.

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