Trying to get started

José Vilmar Estácio de Souza vilmar at
Wed Aug 3 18:14:20 UTC 2011

One thing that you can do to avoid the CapsLock bug is to use an
external usb keypad. It is not very expensive and works quite well.

You're correct. I installed using orca presente in the CD and after the
installation I built orca from source downloaded directly from the

Regarding the documentation, I think that you weren't in the  ideal
place because the interface configured was the unity.
Since you will install ubuntu 10.10 or a similar, I think the link that
you have is a good place.
Forgive my bad english!

On 08/03/2011 01:37 PM, Antony Stone wrote:
> On Wednesday 03 Aug 2011 17:23:05 José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
>> Hi.
>> If you install ubuntu 11.04 with the accessibility profile enabled, the
>> classic gnome interface will be configured as the default. To enable the
>> accessibility profile you need to press the f5 key in some part of the
>> boot. I don't remember exactly in which part, but I think that is after
>> choose the language.
> Okay, that's very good to know, however I think I prefer to avoid the CapsLock 
> bug :)
>> Actually  I am using ubuntu 10.10 with orca from git repository. One
>> reason to not use 11.04 is the problem of the CapsLock key.
>> It is very simple to install orca from the git repository.
> Thanks - presumably you install with accessibility options selected, and then 
> build/install Orca from the Git source to bring it up to date?
> One final question - have I got the best-available documentation for keyboard 
> commands, to be able to navigate around the Gnome desktop, control 
> applications etc?  I'm using
> Thanks for the help :)
> Antony.

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