Installing ubuntu desktop hopefully Later

Martin McCormick martin at
Wed Apr 13 11:30:58 UTC 2011

	Yesterday, I downloaded ubuntu10.04 and it also comes
right up but without sound. On this particular hardware, nothing
has made any sound after 9.10 and I went up to 11.04.

	After running the alsa-info test, I can tell that the
sound card is up, but those who are more expert than I am can
probably tell more about the status of all the flags and
registers that reports on.

	I thought the "simple mixer controls" all seemed set to
similar values to what they are in ubuntu9.10 so I think the
problem is that the software that  feeds data to the sound card,
the actual audio data, is broken.

	One of the how-to descriptions for ubuntu10.10 said to
wait for the "melody" to play after selecting the language about
5 minutes after booting the CD. On this system, there has never
been so much as a click out of the audio port in 10.04, 10.10 or

	The system seems solid on all the later versions except
for the sound so I think this will be a pleasure to experiment
with if there is a fix for the sound on this hardware.

	I do have an output for hwinfo if anybody can use it as
I suspect there are other similar systems out there as this one
is not the least bit exotic.

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