problems with lucid

Guy Schlosser guyster104 at
Sat Feb 27 04:18:59 GMT 2010

Hey there Mike, this is a known issue. If you can boot into recovery 
mode, do so and then issue sudo apt-get remove --purge plymouth. If you 
can't use recovery mode due to needing speech access, here is a work around.
1 boot the computer from a mem stick or usb drive
2. run gparted or equivalent to determine the partition of your ubuntu 
3. press alt+f2 and type gnome-terminal
4. at prompt, issue cd /mnt
5. Type sudo mkdir sysimage
6. type sudo mount /dev/<your-ubuntu-partition> /mnt/sysimage
For example, my command looks like: sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/sysimage
7. Type sudo chroot /mnt/sysimage

You should now be able to issue sudo apt-get remove --purge plymouth. I 
hope this helps, let me know if you need any further help. You can 
E-mail me off list if you need to. I really hope a fix is available 
soon, or ditch plymouth for this release until this problem is fixed.



On 02/26/2010 10:25 PM, Mike Coulombe wrote:
> Hi, I installed the latest lucid live cd and had the following problem. The first time I booted the system, Orca worked fine. The next time I booted the system, I got the login message, and the system logs in. But there is no speech, my cpu fan runs and the computer apears to be locked because no commands work to shut it down.
>     Is this a known problem?
>   I tried to reboot several times and had the same results. One time I did hear welcome to orca before the computer locked.
> Mike.

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