Donations to Ubuntu accessibility

Jacob Schmude j.schmude at
Thu Feb 11 16:48:02 GMT 2010

I'm not so sure we should work in a sandbox. What is a sandbox now has
far too much tendency to turn into a real box later. I think it's better
to focus on one distro, yes, but not a distro specifically for visually
impaired. That's going down the wrong road and, I fear, sending the
wrong message.
Naturally, if it ever came to a vote by the community for another
Canonical accessibility person, Willie would have my vote too.

On Thu, 2010-02-11 at 11:16 -0500, Bill Cox wrote:
> Hi, Storm.  Personally, I think you should save your money for beer,
> and continue contributing as you have - with your time.
> What we really need is at least another full time person at Canonical
> working full-time on accessibility, and of course, I vote for Willie.
> Short of that, perhaps we can do a better job organizing the community
> to focus on work that needs to get done.  My own feeling is that we
> should work in an accessibility sand-box, which feeds into Ubuntu and
> the other distros.  I think we can do that with Vinux based on Ubuntu.
> Bill
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 11:07 AM, Storm Dragon
> <stormdragon2976 at> wrote:
>         Hi,
>         Is there a site, or some way to donate to Ubuntu in such a way
>         that the donated funds will go towards accessibility
>         specifically? I would like to be able to donate to projects
>         like Orca and speech-dispatcher, but as far as I know, right
>         now that would meen donating to Oracle. This, I will never do,
>         not even if hell does freeze over. So, the next best thing
>         would be to donate to the distro specifically, but I would
>         like to know that my donations are supporting the programs
>         that make the distro accessible to me.
>         thanks
>         Storm
>         -- 
>         Follow me on Twitter:
>         My blog, Thoughts of a Dragon:
>         What color dragon are you?
>         --
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