Draft Willie for Ubuntu Accessibility
pmikeal at comcast.net
Sat Feb 6 02:06:46 GMT 2010
Willie, check out LWN. You are an awesome coder and we all deeply and
sincerely appreciate the work you have done at Sun on Orca. I am sad to
hear you are one of the ones who lost their job as a result of the merger.
The reason I say check out LWN http://lwn.net is because they have an
article today talking about Mozilla donating $10,000 to Gnome for
accessibility. Maybe you could even get on at Mozilla? Just a thought,
but they seem to care about and have a stake in Orca and accessibility on
the Linux desktop.
Kind regards and you are in my prayers!
On Fri, 5 Feb 2010, Bill Cox wrote:
> I don't need to introduce Willie on this forum. If you don't know him
> and some of his work, you're not involved. Willie is looking for a
> new job as the result of the Oracle/Sun merger. I've said before that
> Ubuntu could own the accessibility space with one more full time guy.
> If that guy is Willie, he'll prove me right.
> I don't know the situation at Canonical, but getting Willie roped in
> would be super-huge. RedHat would do great with Willie as well, but
> I'd rather see his skills go to Ubuntu first, and let Fedora get his
> work downstream from Ubuntu.
> Anyone interested in forming a Draft Willie campaign?
> Bill
> --
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