Accessibility Meeting

Laura Czajkowski laura at
Mon Apr 5 17:38:18 BST 2010

On 05/04/10 17:24, Penelope Stowe wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 2:34 AM, Glen Darby<glen.m.darby at>  wrote:
>> Any reply would be appreciated, even if you say it is not what the
>> meetings for, just so I know.
> To be honest, I want to partially hold a meeting so that we can figure
> out what people do want to do and what we can do as a team.
> For example, I feel like we need more documentation on the wiki,
> especially for newer releases. Also more documentation that puts in
> one place that's easily accessible (like the wiki) what the options
> are for different types of accessibility programs.
> Glen, I think what you're asking about may be a more upstream type
> project than one for Ubuntu, however, as a team we may have more
> resources for where such programs exist or where it's already being
> worked on that you could help out.
> I really would just like to see a more unified voice of what we want
> and a plan of action for what we can do both to fix things for
> ourselves and to get other people interested. Maybe we could work to
> get a Hug Day that focuses on accessibility bugs or something.
> I'm just throwing out ideas, anyway.
> I'm going to probably set a date and time tonight (so if anyone on the
> list who hasn't weighed in with a date and time, would like to, please
> e-mail them either to the list or me privately by about 22:00 UTC
> today.
> Once we have a date and time I'll send out an e-mail and blog about it.
> Thanks!
> Penelope
I'm free any evening this week after 7pm UTC for a meeting


Skype: lauraczajkowski

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