Ubuntu-accessibility Digest, Vol 53, Issue 1
leoquant at ubuntu.com
Thu Apr 1 13:39:08 BST 2010
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ubuntu-accessibility-request at lists.ubuntu.com schreef:
> Send Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list submissions to
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Ubuntu-accessibility digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Reviving the Accessibility Team - meeting? (Penelope Stowe)
> 2. upgrading ubuntu (michael weaver)
> 3. Accessibility Meeting (Glen Darby)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 20:09:39 -0400
> From: Penelope Stowe <pstowe at gmail.com>
> Subject: Reviving the Accessibility Team - meeting?
> To: ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com
> Message-ID:
> <u2xdbb60dfd1003311709n90370e7fs130278a7b371835 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hiya,
> I've been looking around on what there is for the Accessibility Team
> on the wiki and reading e-mails, along with chatting with Luke on IRC
> (in #ubuntu-accessibility) and it strikes me that we need to create a
> solid Accessibility Team in the community. Not only will doing so help
> future new-users (or existing users who develop a disability), but a
> cohesive team means a stronger voice in the Ubuntu community as a
> whole.
> I'd like to propose having a meeting sometime the week of April 11-17
> in #ubuntu-accessibility on freenode on IRC to come up with some
> foundation for getting the Accessibility Team going. If there are
> issues with doing a meeting on IRC not being accessible, feel free to
> suggest other places for the meeting. If you're interested in having a
> meeting, please send the list or me an e-mail with the days/times that
> week you're available and I'll try to find a time that works for the
> most people.
> I think in this meeting we should discuss putting together a blueprint
> for things we want to and think we can get done during the Lucid+1
> cycle. I also think it might be nice to start to look at a roadmap and
> goals for the team in a long term.
> I'm going to send a separate e-mail to the list (not tonight, but
> later this week) with some of my ideas for things we could do and I
> hope other people will think about it as well so we can get some
> discussion going!
> Thanks!
> Penelope
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2010 04:26:14 +0100
> From: michael weaver <weavermicha at googlemail.com>
> Subject: upgrading ubuntu
> To: ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com
> Message-ID: <4bb4105a.8507cc0a.15df.ffffad45 at mx.google.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; format=flowed
> i think i am going to have to wwait until there is a bit more of
> a stable lucid or until final release and just do a fresh install
> of ubuntu.
> as i don't have the technical knowledge to be able to install
> speakup i don't know if an upgrade would be easier via a text
> terminal and i have not had any luck creating the file to be able
> to get accessible admin as regards the gui and i don't always
> have a sighted person around to be able to at least see if an
> upgrade is actually working.
> i remember once trying to do an upgrade where my local linux
> group used to hold meetings which i don't think has happened for
> a while because the main people have moved areas to leeds and the
> like and it would have taken to long to upgrade anyway but when i
> had someone look at what i was doing, they seemmed to think that
> the upgrade had not started when i went through the alt plus f2
> update-manager dash d because when i had entered on ok, i seemed
> to have to tab to another upgrade button without speech access,
> hit enter on it and possibly had to re-type my password.
> it is like the interface for update-manager is slightly different
> with upgrading from that of updating where if you just do a
> standard up-date, you can tab around and get orca feedback to say
> that you have updates and when you hit the install and are maybe
> asked for the password, away it goes and downloads them whereas
> with the upgrade, you see that the upgrade is there if you run
> the update-manager from alt f2 with the dash d command at the
> end, it shows you the upgrade notes, you hit the upgrade button,
> you enter the password and ok it and i think to someone with
> sight you have to locate the upgrade button again which someone
> without sight can't access because i think a dialogue box pops up
> with buttons for check for updates, upgrade, and cancel and you
> have to go to the correct button and enter on the upgrade and
> possibly re-type admin password, ok and then it starts.
> i think that is what confuses people without sight like it is a
> double confirmation, when you see the notes about the new release
> you can accept and it is like it brings up another dialogue box
> after you first ok your password like "are you sure you want to
> do this."
> i think i only found this out because the chap who was trying to
> help me said the upgrade hadn't started even though i had chosen
> the upgrade button, entered my password and hit ok.
> i think if i knew perhaps the number of tabbs when i have to get
> to the upgrade button in the dialogue box where orca doesn't
> appear to read i could possibly do it but without a family who
> are not linux users and with me not having a sighted partner or
> any sighted family member around looking at the pc or laptop
> screens for me i am only guessing there is this second dialogue
> appears before the actual upgrade is actually started.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2010 07:34:11 +0100
> From: Glen Darby <glen.m.darby at virgin.net>
> Subject: Accessibility Meeting
> To: Ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com
> Message-ID: <1270103651.2237.10.camel at glen-desktop>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Hi,
> I would dearly like to be involved in the meeting if it comes together.
> I work with disabled and have been trying to look for a linux type
> version of "EZ Keys" which uses a single switch to access the computer.
> I programme a little and pick up quite fast and would be willing to be
> involved in the project but would need advice on where to start etc.
> I would be free 11th, 12th, 17th, Between 11-2 on 13th, between 10-3:30
> on 14th, between 9-12:30 on 15th.
> Any reply would be appreciated, even if you say it is not what the
> meetings for, just so I know.
> Many thanks.
> Glen Darby.
I would very much encourage this idea of Penelope, and would also be
glad to get more involved in reviving the team.
kind regards
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