ORCA, SSH and XWindows

Samuel Thibault samuel.thibault at ens-lyon.org
Sun Oct 11 21:33:58 BST 2009

Loren Schoof, le Sun 11 Oct 2009 13:24:37 -0700, a écrit :
> When I connect to a Linux machine using PUTTY, JAWS does not handle the windowed environment from the Linux machine.

Mmm, are you using just an ssh connexion?  In that case there is no
windowed environment to be read.  Are you using an X server on your
windows box and using X forwarding?  In that case it's just that JAWS
isn't able to read Linux application, which is normal.

> So my question is: if I convert my PC to Linux with ORCA and connect to the SAS server via SSH or RLOGIN, will ORCA be able to work with the SAS windows?

I guess you here really mean X forwarding over ssh.j Orca will not be
able to read it unless you run it directly on the server.

However, I'm wondering: in the windows case, you install a SAS software
in order to access the central server, right?  Isn't there the same kind
of similar software for Linux that you run on your own machine?

In any case, to be accessible, the SAS windowed system needs to be
implemented using gtk.


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