A few more questions on Thunderbird

Peter Torpey ptorpey at rochester.rr.com
Sat Jun 6 18:57:25 BST 2009


Yes, I had the view set to read the mail in HTML format.  Doesn't this work
with tb?  I thought that would make navigation easier and format more

I'll try setting the view to plain text.  
 Tb doesn't work with HTML view, should that be noted on the Orca bug list?
As I indicated, I could navigate to the message body and read it in the HTML
view, but it certainly wasn't easy to get there.

From: Jann Schneider <schneider_jann at yahoo.de>
Subject: Re: A few more questions on Thunderbird
To: ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com
Message-ID: <4A2A9A9D.6030006 at yahoo.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


> On 06/06/09 15:59, Peter Torpey wrote:
>> 1. 1.  What is the best way to open and read a message in 
>> Thunderbird?  I haven't been able to do this without performing a lot 
>> of tabbing.  I'm used to just hitting enter on messages to read them, 
>> but that doesn't seem to work in Thunderbird with Orca.
Perhaps this happens because you are reading the mails in original html? 
Take a look into the view menu -> Message Body as..
Here "plain text" should be activated.

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