Speech-dispatcher and the -generic modules for Dectalk and Swift voices

Garry Turkington garrys.lists at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 05:01:27 BST 2009


After living with an old speakup 2.x install for an age I finally got 
around to building an up-to-date Ubuntu install.  I've
got Orca working with gnome-speech but also want speakup for terminal 

Since I want to use either Dectalk or Cepstral voices I've configured 
speech-dispatcher/speechd-up and can get it to work
fine with espeak.  But when I try to use the dtk-generic module I get no 
speech via spd-say.

At first it appeared to be an Alsa/OSS thing as I think speech-dispatcher 
was locking /dev/dsp and the Dectalk libraries
seem to want to talk to it directly via OSS.  So I switched 
speech-dispatcher to use OSS and the conflict is gone in that
while speech-dispatcher is configured with espeak I can successfully use 
the Dectalk command line say utility.  But when I
try and move to the dtk-generic module I get nothing.

Plainly there's some incantation I'm missing here -- does anyone know it?

I'll move onto Cepstral Swift after hopefully resolving this -- currently 
just loading the Swift module kills


Garry Turkington
garry.turkington at gmail.com

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