Issues with installing Ubuntu 9.04 under VMWare Workstation

Garry Turkington garrys.lists at
Wed Jun 3 04:59:33 BST 2009


When I've had previous Ubuntu versions (8.10, 8.04 and earlier) installed 
under VMware I didn't have any of the particular quirks I've got with 

Two additional points though:

1. I discovered that though the drumbeat start-up sound no longer plays 
automatically at the login screen hitting escape does trigger it.

2. From others on this list if you use the live CD or install with Orca 
support then your 9.04 experience seems to be much less painful.  I did a 
VMware smart install on 9.04 however which meant I needed to get sound 
working the hard way.


Garry Turkington
garry.turkington at

On Sun, 31 May 2009, Chris Meredith wrote:

> Were these oddities particular to 9.04?  As I mentioned, I'm not running
> into these issues with the live CD of Vinux, and the live CD of 9.04 has
> sound but at a very low level (not muted, however).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ubuntu-accessibility-bounces at
> [mailto:ubuntu-accessibility-bounces at] On Behalf Of Garry
> Turkington
> Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2009 5:30 PM
> To: ubuntu-accessibility at
> Subject: RE: Issues with installing Ubuntu 9.04 under VMWare Workstation
> Hi,
> I've had 9.04 desktop successfully installed under VMware Workstation.  2
> things of note:
> 1. The prior startup sound of a few drumbeats is gone.
> 2. On first boot and subsequent boots the system volume is set to a low
> level and also muted.
> I've managed to get Orca working but no matter what I do the sound is
> always muted and reset on each boot.  I hadn't considered if maybe it was
> a peculiarity of the virtualized sound device but I guess anything is
> possible...
> Garry
> -- 
> Garry Turkington
> garry.turkington at
> On Sun, 31 May 2009, Chris Meredith wrote:
>> It's been a while or three since I've played with Linux.  I'm at a
>> "Username:" prompt, but more than that's impossible to tell.  I should
> still
>> be getting the Ubuntu startup sound, even without Orca, should I not?
>> From: Nolan Darilek [mailto:nolan at]
>> Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2009 2:49 PM
>> To: Chris Meredith
>> Cc: ubuntu-accessibility at
>> Subject: Re: Issues with installing Ubuntu 9.04 under VMWare Workstation
>> On 05/31/2009 04:37 PM, Chris Meredith wrote:
>> Wow.  I'm getting . actually no audio whatsoever, regardless of what I do,
>> with this edition of Ubuntu.  I'm beginning to wonder if I didn't maybe
>> download the server edition in error.
>> Can you at least tell if GNOME has launched? If so then you've definitely
>> got the desktop edition.
> -- 
> Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list
> Ubuntu-accessibility at

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