braille doesn't work at all under Ubuntu 8.04.1

Mgr. Janusz Chmiel chmiel at
Wed Sep 3 21:59:00 BST 2008

Dear master and all users and developers,

    I would like to suggest You constructive approach to solve all 
accessibility issues related to support for Orca and braille display.

    Firstly, I think, that core developers of Ubuntu could make new desktop 
link for starting Orca with brltty. I Am unfortunately not experienced Gnome 
user, but may be, that adding sudo brltty and followed with line orca could 
solve problems with automatic braille displays detection.

I tried to type

gnome-terminal followed by Enter

I typed sudo brltty, and my USB connected Tieman braille voyager has been 
successfully detected, initialized, and Brltty displayed correctly its 
message screen is not in A text mode.

    So if Your model will not be automatically detected, may be, that You 
could try to study command line parameters for Brltty to enable Your 
specific model of braille display.
And please, do not forget to type sudo brltty followed by A specific 

You also mentioned about issue, that Orca can not automatically use A 
correct braille table for selected language. If You meaned by this, that 
Orca should automatically select right braille table according to The 
language, which user selected in The boot menu, there is difficulty related 
to Brltty, not to The Orca Screen reader.

Eventhough Programmers fortunately are having procedure for detecting, which 
language has been selected and they can automatically select specific Espeak 
person for A specific language, automatically select braille table is not so 
simply, as some users could think.

If user want to use A specific braille table for A specific language, user 
must modifi The file brltty.conf, which is located in The
So open
And try to analyze this file for Your wanted language. The language can 
begin with
Character. To enable support for A specific language, remove The # character 
at The beginning of A line, which is assigning The specific language.

Please, try to study manual for Brltty or try to directly communicate with 
developer of Brltty latest version about those changes or if Your language 
is not awailable.

I Am aware, that modifiing this file is only possible, when Ubuntu Hardy 
Heron or newest Ubuntu live CD version is allready installed on A hard 
drive. My opinion is, that every think depends on The fact, how many 
languages are predefined and are awailable in The /etc/brltty.conf

Please, I would like to please all users of Ubuntu to be more patient, core 
developers of Ubuntu are doing their best and during next week, problems 
related to accessibility will be solved. Even problem with Brltty could be I 
think solved without many problems. If is it possible to type sudo brltty
Orca to The Gnome desktop link for starting Orca.

In The Ubuntu Feisty and gutsi, Brltty has been started during booting up, 
much sooner than Gnome has been started. So I think, that brltty has been 
started with Linux kernel probably.

    So I Am very sorry, that I can not help You more.

The kindness regards.

Janusz Chmiel

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