one more thing

Willie Walker William.Walker at Sun.COM
Wed Jan 2 20:07:58 GMT 2008

Hi Justin:

> trouble getting some reading that I wanted to work.  Apparently orca  
> does not go sentence by sentence and when I posted this reading  
> question to the orca list, I got a rather harsh reception from people  
> accusing me of having neglected reading the directions.

Some of this tends to reflect the list and/or specific individuals on 
the lists.  On the orca-list, we generally try to be constructive, and 
we also try to keep up to date as we see 
questions being asked/answered.  In addition, we also work on making 
things more 'for dummies' friendly as we can.  We don't always succeed 
and questions do sometimes go unanswered, but anyone with a constructive 
outlook is welcome on the Orca list.


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