a problem with time and date

Kenny Hitt kenny at hittsjunk.net
Mon Mar 26 18:43:19 BST 2007


Although getting access to the admin tools will be nice, I would rather see effort spent on Firefox accessibility.  I have been running Linux for years, so doing admin tasks in the terminal isn't a problem for me while I have web sites I can't access in Linux yet.
To answer your problem, use the ntpdate command to set your time with a ntp server.  If you don't want to do it that way, use the date command in a terminal to set the date.

To learn more, man date or man ntpdate.


On Mon, Mar 26, 2007 at 11:30:21AM -0500, mike coulombe wrote:
> Hi, under edgy Time was accessible.
> However I notice it still isn't under feisty.
> Is this something that will be fixed in the future.
> Or do we have to wait for a new release before this problem is addressed.
> I tried on three computers and got the same results each time.
> As I remember I didn't have to enter a password in edgy.
> It now asks for the password and speech is lost after that point.
>    I did try running this tool from terminal, but that didn't work.
> I then tried using yasr, but after the accessibility module initialized speech went crazy.
>    I do understand a lot of work is being done on firefox and other programs at this point,
> but I think the admin tools are very important to people.
> Especially to anyone who has to configure their system.
> I for example need to set the time on my computer and can't.
>    Don't misunderstand, I have seen a lot of progress made.
> The terminal doesn't crash anymore and many other programs work better.
> I was just wondering what if any progress is being made on getting the admin tools to work with orca from their menu.
> It's hard to show ubuntu and always be asked about these tools.
> Mike.
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