[orca-list] speech-dispatcher 0.6.2

Jan Buchal buchal at brailcom.org
Sat Jun 2 13:35:50 BST 2007

>>>>> "GS" == Guy Schlosser <guyster at bex.net> writes:

    GS> Hey there fellow listers, I have a question regarding
    GS> speech-dispatcher 0.6.2. I compiled it from source using the
    GS> tarball at freebsoft.org. When I execute speech-dispatcher after
    GS> successful compile, I get a message that says unable to create
    GS> pid in /var/run. I've even tried this as root and have the same
    GS> message displayed. Is there something I'm missing? As always,
    GS> thanks in advance for all the help. If this has been answered
    GS> before, I'm sorry for duplicating the question.

check if the /var/run/speech-dispatcher directory exists. How I hear on
Ubuntu is /var/run dynamically mounted every boot.



Jan Buchal
Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
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