Voice Recognition for Linux

Chris Hayes cbhworld at gmail.com
Wed Feb 21 21:03:49 GMT 2007

Thanks for those links Jan. I've decided that I'm gonna try to get one of
the Sphinx voice recognition things working on my computer, so I can at
least see how capable it is, and whether it could anything could be done to
make the installation / training of it easier - so that more people could
try it and eventually get more people involved in it.

I have no idea how realistic that idea is.

One problem to start off with - from what I can see, Sphinx 4 was just a way
of delivering the Sphinx speech recognition to another audience by writing
it in Java. Sphinx 3 is more up to date than Sphinx 2, however it is
customised for batch processing of speech files I think. Eitherway - they
both rely on Sphinxbase. So, basically, I'm interested in real-time speech
recognition, Sphinx 2 hasn't been updated for over 1 year by the looks - but
maybe that doesn't matter if Sphinxbase does most the work?

Okay - basically, I don't know which version of Sphinx to try. And it looks
pretty complicated and I don't really have the time to do this - so I
certainly want to be doing it with the most appropriate edition.

Thanks for the feedback so far,

Chris Hayes / CBHworld

On 21/02/07, Jan Claeys <lists at janc.be> wrote:
> On ma, 2007-02-19 at 18:17 +0000, Chris Hayes wrote:
> > He does have a website however, and has started a kind of discussion
> > thread on that - which is available through this link
> > http://www.hi2u.org/discussions/voice4linux.htm
> >
> > If anyone has had any experience with voice recognition software under
> > Linux or knows of any information about it - could you please post
> > something about it on my dad's discussion page about it - or, if not -
> > just reply to this telling me so I can do it.
> About ViaVoice, I found copies of the ViaVoice for Linux SDK & runtime
> on some websites (but using them is probably not legal?), and from what
> I understand you need some additional old libraries to get them running
> too: <http://taint.org/wk/ViaVoiceModernLinux>
> OTOH, it seems like ViaVoice still exists for Linux, but they don't sell
> any consumer products using it:
> <
> http://www-306.ibm.com/software/pervasive/embedded_viavoice_multiplatform/
> >
> --
> Jan Claeys
> --
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