call for braille device testing

Mikael Holmgren micke at
Sat Feb 10 08:57:50 GMT 2007

Will try whis, i have access to usb Alva satelite traveler, and Tieman
Combibraille serial 45/85.

However, i notice that on the live-cd (from feb 9 for example), the
libbrlapi package is missing, thereby making orca not to braille until
that is installed.

fre 2007-02-09 klockan 13:53 +0100 skrev Henrik Nilsen Omma:
> Hello!
> We have recently implemented the braille-support spec i Feisty which 
> aims to provide default support for USB braille devices and relatively 
> simple configuration of serial and bluetooth devices.
> If you have a USB device is should just come up working on a Live CD or 
> installed Feisty system (provided a screen reader is active to feed it 
> text). If you boot the Live CD with F5+4 you will get a braille 
> configuration script for usb, serial or bluetooth devices (this needs 
> documentation to be useful). The script can be run from a terminal too 
> with 'brltty-setup'. Expect a few changes in this script soon as well.
> So, if you have a braille device, please help us test! Many of the 
> people who have contributed to this don't have access to braille 
> displays so we need input from others. Please be patient with the 
> process, we a expect a fair number of things to not work at the start. 
> We will make updated scripts available and it would be great if people 
> could test those before we put it on the CD.
> See spec:
> Henrik

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