Fwd: Orca on XFCE, using Xubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn"

Mírian Bruckschen cleo.sl at gmail.com
Mon Aug 13 15:01:37 BST 2007

Hello Willie,

On 8/13/07, Willie Walker wrote:
> Orca is a community project, however, and we encourage others to help us
> with testing and using Orca on all sorts of platforms.  As you gain
> experience with XFCE, it would be great if you could include your notes
> off the following page: http://live.gnome.org/Orca/DownloadInstall.

I followed these instructions to install Orca in my Xubuntu system :)

After installing, however, to make it run under XFCE, are there any
ideas of where I can start? I would be happy to help in this matter,
for sure. I'm a kind of long term XFCE user, but a new GNOME/Orca
user. :)

Thanks for any suggestions,

Mírian Bruckschen

PS: I only asked for "Orca under XFCE" 'cause I thought Orca relied on
GTk, not GNOME only (or mainly GNOME, don't know). But yes, in this
project we'll certainly stick to GNOME, due to everybody's
suggestions. Thank you very much for your answer!

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