A couple of questions.
Joanmarie Diggs
j-diggs at comcast.net
Tue Sep 19 17:49:29 BST 2006
Hi Farhan.
> How do I get to the gnome system tray?
I *believe* this is a known issue that is still being worked on as there
are indeed some access issues -- one of which being that you seem to
drop into a black hole from which there is no escape the minute you head
over to the notification area using the standard Gnome commands. <smile>
Fortunately, you can use Orca to flat review over to it. To do so, use
Control Alt Tab to reach the Top Panel. Then use NumPad 4 and NumPad 6
to move left and right. You will almost certainly want to head to the
right with NumPad 6. After the menus, you may find various and sundry
icons, but eventually you will find some panels and the system clock.
Currently not all of the panels are labeled. For the ones that are not,
Orca simply announces "panel."
As for solving your Gaim problem:
You can edit your ~/.gaim/prefs.xml file -- which I'll explain
momentarily. In the meantime, since we're already wandering around on
Gnome's Top Panel...
If Gaim is running, there will be a Gaim icon contained in one of those
unlabeled panels. So flat review over to the first item beyond the
menus that Orca announces as "panel". At this point, you have two
1. You can use NumPad slash to left click on the panel under flat
review. If you lucked out and happened to have landed on the Gaim icon,
left clicking on it will cause the buddy list to reappear. Problem
solved. On the other hand, if you found some other panel, what happens
next will depend on what you just clicked on. In an unlabeled panel,
your guess is as good as mine. Therefore, a safer approach I think is:
2. Use NumPad asterisk to right click on the panel under flat review.
This will cause a context menu to appear. If you lucked out and
happened to have landed on the Gaim icon, the first item in the menu
should be an option to show the buddy list. If you didn't luck out, no
damage done. As an added bonus, in my experience, many of those
unlabeled panels don't have an associated context menu so if you
right-click with NumPad * and nothing happens, you're safe and can just
head to the right to find the next panel.
I hope this makes sense. <smile>
The alternative is to edit your ~/.gaim/prefs.xml file. Locate the line
that says:
<pref name='list_visible' type='bool' value='0'/>
And change the 0 to a 1. For me that line happens to be line 257.
Regardless of which approach you take, here is what I have found -- and
you may have already figured it out: Whatever you do, do *not* press
Alt F4 in Gaim because doing so won't cause Gaim to quit, and it will
cause Gaim to vanish. <smile> If you want to minimize Gaim, use Alt
Space followed by N (or alternatively, Alt F9). If you want to quit
Gaim, press Control Q or choose Quit from the Buddy menu.
I hope this helps! Take care.
> I can reach the gnome pannels and gnome desktops by hitting control alt tab and control alt right and left arrows respectivly, and when i use gaim it goes away in the system tray, and i can't bring up the main window, is there an orca configured hotkey to access the gnome tray?
> Everything else i've figured out so far, some of the configuration dialogs are a bit spotty like the update manager and synaptic but i just use the terminal if I want to update any packages.
> Thanks
> Farhan
> This message was typed on Monday, September 18, 2006 at 22:15 CST
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