latest gaim can not get focus in edgy

Mike Pedersen Michael.Pedersen at Sun.COM
Sat Sep 2 18:59:22 BST 2006

Hi all, I have successfully been using gaim on an edgy install for the 
last several days.  This morning I pulled the latest set up updates 
which contained gaim 2.0 beta3.1 as well as gaim data.  After the 
updates I can now start gaim and it is running but I am not able to give 
it focus.  I have confirmed that the gaim process is indeed running.  I 
had this problem several weeks ago pre not1 but haven't seen it in quite 
a while.  Can anyone else confirm this behavior after updating today?  
I'm assuming that it is a setting in one of the configuration xml files 
in the .gaim directory but will need to look into this. 

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