Orca orca localization

Willie Walker William.Walker at Sun.COM
Thu Nov 9 13:53:04 GMT 2006


Orca uses the gettext module of Python for all text that is presented to
users, and there are currently translations for this text into over 40
locales, including the following (along with their translators):

    zh_CN   Simplified Chinese   Funda Wang and Li Shaojie
    zh_HK   Traditional Chinese  Chao-Hsiung Liao and Woodman Tuen
    zh_TW   Traditional Chinese  Chao-Hsiung Liao and Woodman Tuen

Hope this helps,


On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 18:01 +0800, coscell at mail.batol.net wrote:
> hello,
> How to port internal messages of orca to Chinese language?
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